
Terror Twins

Terror Twins

Supervillain twins from Central City.

Terror Twins
First issue:
Young Justice (2011) #0 Stopover


Tommy and Tuppence Terror are fraternal twins. They currently reside in Central City. Both twins speak with heavy Southern accents, and it is unclear if this should be taken as evidence that they are not originally from Central City (which is currently located in the Midwestern United States), or if it is a mere affectation. Both possess superhuman strength and endurance, and mainly engage in petty antisocial behaviour.


The Terror Twins were created by Greg Weisman, Kevin Hopps and Mike Norton.

Major Story Arcs

Young Justice

While in the Central City Mall, the pair take a liking to an expensive necklace and decide to steal it, smashing cases and throwing the clerk into a case in the process. They are confronted by Superboy and Kid Flash, who were in the mall for unrelated reasons, while they are attempting to take hostages. They fight for some time, and hold their own against the young heroes until the arrival of Superman and the Martian Manhunter. They flee, and are pursued by Superman.

Other Media

Young Justice

As the twins were originally created to tie in to the Young Justice television series, it was inevitable that they should eventually appear there. They feature in the episode "Terrors". There, they are defeated fairly early in the episode by Superman and Martian Manhunter following a three-state rampage that culminates in New Orleans' French Quarter. The pair are then impersonated by Superboy and Miss Martian, who use the twins' images to infiltrate Belle Reve. They later join with the Light.


