
Team Batgirl

Team Batgirl

Originally a name used by Barbara to cheer Stephanie Brown up, it ended up being the name for her support structure.

Team Batgirl

While Team Batgirl got together over the course of The Flood storyline they weren't officially named until Batgirl #16. The name originally was used by Barbara Gordon to cheer Stephanie Brown after Batgirl had been framed for the murder of Newton, a student at Gotham University. Afterwards however Steph seemed to take the name to heart and began to reference herself, Wendy and Babs as Team Batgirl.

The Team has teamed-up with other heroes, mostly sidekicks and female heroes, in their short time together.

  • Damian Wayne - Batgirl #17 they teamed up to stop a kidnapping ring. (Also teamed-up pre-Team Batgirl in Batgirl #5-7)
  • Klarion the Witch boy - Batgirl #18 on Valentines day they teamed up to find Teekl a mate.
  • Squire - Batgirl #22 while on assignment in England they saved time and space by saving the Greenwich Mean.
  • Supergirl - Batgirl #23 helps Steph defeat the Reapers. (Also teamed-up pre-Team Batgirl to fight 25 Bela Lugosis in Batgirl #14.
  • Miss Martian - Batgirl #23 helps Steph defeat the Reapers.
  • Stargirl - Batgirl #23 helps Steph defeat the Reapers.
  • Bombshell - Batgirl #23 helps Steph defeat the Reapers.


December 2010

February 2011

March 2011

April 2011

May 2011

June 2011

July 2011

August 2011

September 2011




