
Sea Gods of the World

Sea Gods of the World

Alliance of Gods who work with Aquaman, This team is a conclave of oceanic divinities hailing from various myths and pantheons of the mortal world whom all have come to the hidden lsland of Unspoken Water as penance for their crimes of hubris and complacency towards the duty of keeping the worlds oceans in balance

Sea Gods of the World

This group of gods were forced to live on the Island of Unspoken Water after ceasing to be idolized by their parishioners. When they arrived at the island, they found Namma there, who was later expelled from it. She left her daughter Caille there, hoping that she would grow strong and, in the future, come back together to absorb her essence and destroy the world. Desperate for lack of food and diminished power, these gods pleaded for help to the ocean itself. These prayers reached the Mother Shark, who decided to send a memoryless Aquaman after his death at the hands of Mera. They send Aquaman and Caille on a journey to find Namma and ask her to forgive them and restore the fishing on the island. When Arthur and Caille get there they discover that Namma was actually Mother Salt and she intended to absorb the essence of her daughter in order to destroy the world and reform it again. While Arthur struggles with her, he uses his telepathy unconsciously, causing the sea gods to awaken all their power again and go to aid them in their fight against Namma. After defeating her, Father Sea appears in front of them and recognizes Aquaman as an equal, so they grant him tattoos that recognize him as one of them. After restoring Arthur's memories, they travel with him to Amnesty Bay, where they settle in the old lighthouse and help Aquaman combat the various problems he faces. After the fight against Black Manta and the birth of Andy, they become the protectors of the princess. When Andy is kidnapped and recovered, the Sea Gods decide that their duty is to protect and safeguard Andy from danger, taking her along with Mother Shark. Later they appear like allies of Aquaman in its fight against Ocean Master, when this one interrupts the proclamation of a democratic Atlantis on the part of Mera. Following these events, the gods are also guests and participants in Arthur and Mera's wedding in Amnesty Bay.


February 2019

March 2019

April 2019

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August 2019

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