


A mercenary group of terrorists for hire, Scorpio is a well equipped organization always on the look out for advanced technology that can easily be weaponized.

Scorpio is a mercenary group of terrorists for hire; Scorpio is a well equipped organization always on the look out for advanced technology that can easily be weaponized.

Aquaman - Deep Dives

Scorpio is a terrorist organization that seeks to end Aquaman and achieve world domination. After being defeated by the heroes of Atlantis, Kordax took control of the organization after assassinating the previous leader, and orchestrated a plan to cause the fall from grace of Arthur. To this end, he prepared a plan in different stages.

The first of these was the theft of a sacred idol from the Lurkers thanks to using The Trench against the city protected by Noble. This caused Noble, Aquaman, Mera, and the Sea Devils to stop The Trench after stopping the pheromones that caused them to indiscriminately attack the city of the Lurkers. After stopping this attack, Aquaman and his allies discover that the Scorpio organization was behind the aforementioned attack.

After Arthur goes to Antarctica, where Scorpio and Kordax had a facility where they were developing new weapons. With the help of Nuada Silverhand, Arthur and the Sea Devils discover this facility and the Torpedoman, a gigantic robot. The existence of this robot would be the second part of Kordax's plan, which, by targeting the Pure-Blood Atlanteans, sought to discredit Aquaman in the eyes of Atlantis.

The third phase was a pirate attack against surface nations, which seeks to further discredit the figure of the defender of the oceans. After one of these attacks, Tula and the Sea Devils discover Scorpio's underwater base. In this way they learn that Scorpio calls Kordax "Number One" and has hundreds of soldiers at his disposal. Tula sends the information to Aquaman, and he comes to fight his ancestor. Following his defeat, his minions are defeated and Scorpio's base was turned into an Atlantean prison.

Aquaman/Green Arrow - Deep Target

Subsequently, the Scorpio organization has continued to function and attack Aquaman's life. Because of this, he began to investigate in the time travel, because of which he managed to exchange the lives of Arthur Curry and Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow.


September 1966

May 2020

June 2020

January 2022

February 2022

March 2022

April 2022

May 2022

June 2022






