
Pancosmic Justice Jihad

Pancosmic Justice Jihad

Formed during a future time of universal paranoia and inestability, the PJJ reunited the metahuman elite of their era.

Pancosmic Justice Jihad


According to the memory data of the last remaining Metal Men alive in the 853rd century, Platinum, in the era known as the Promethium Age, (between the centuries 505 and 700 CE), a reprogramed Solaris became a benefactor to humanity and gained a huge influence on the politics of the Solar System. Solaris influence grew so much it even eclipsed the memory of the Superman legacy. The shadows of this era , however were the growing paranoia and the universal distrust. Solaris formed then the Pancosmic Justice Jihad, a team than reunited the metahuman elite of that era. The PJJ had an agressive attittude towards any world considering threats to the system, to even realize preemptive attacks on planets which could be a future danger, developing violent raids between the stars.

Under its auspicies, several teams were created in this era, including the Legion of Executive Familiars.

The imperialistic actions of Solaris and the PJJ were venerated and the influence of the team and it leader grew even more. This would end when Superman Prime returned to Earth, which marked the beggining of a spiritual revival and a growing questioning and rejection to the actions of Solaris, ending its influence and destining him to be, again, a secundary power source to the System, until the events of DC One Million.


  • Solaris: The Reborn Sun, former enemy of mankind reprogramed to help humanity as a hero and force of good. However, deep inside, something inside him not enterily altruistic.
  • Doc Matter
  • Heaven & Hell
  • The Void

Also, members of several heroic dinasties joined the PJJ:

  • Singularity: The seventh member of the Singularity dinasty.
  • Starman: A new holder of the Cosmic staff.
  • Superman: A member of the Superman Dinasty who joined briefly but later renounced by policy issues.


November 1998

November 2001




Disbanded in issues

