
Mob Rule

Mob Rule

A group comprised of dozens of duplicates of Barry Allen's old friend Manuel Lago. They're neither good nor evil, they just wish to continue living and will do so by any means necessary; They are Mob Rule.

Mob Rule
First issue:


Mob Rule first came into existence when Manuel Lago was tortured by a criminal organization called Basilisk. They cut off his fingers one by one and discovered that because of a CIA experiment he could regrow lost limbs. More than that each of those severed limbs grew into a full-grown duplicate of Manuel, these duplicates began calling themselves Mob Rule.

Initially they worked with Manuel in his 'one-man' crusade against Basilisk but when they began to die for no reason in the same order in which they were 'born' Manuel ran. Mob Rule's new mission is to find any doctor who can help them and force them and Manuel to find a cure so they can continue to live.

Members of Mob Rule all identify each other by numbers based on the order in which they were 'born'. Some hold Manuel's thoughts closer than others as they are often seen arguing about his memories vs their own thoughts. Members of Mob Rule so far do not have individual names, but do go by the number of their birth order.


Mob Rule was created by The Flash writer/artists Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato.

Major Story Arc

The Flash

After encountering Mob Rule trying to steal a human genome re-coder, The Flash, Barry Allen identifies his old friend Manuel Lago as one of the thieves after he died for no reason during the incident. Later the next night, Miguel breaks into Barry's apartment being chased by Mob Rule so Barry follows his friend. Barry feeling like something is wrong changes into the Flash, but when he catches up with Miguel he finds his old friend surrounded by copies of himself. Flash manages to take out a few of the duplicates but they have been watching Barry and kidnapped his reporter friend, Iris West. They will only let Iris go if the Flash allows them to take Manuel, to which Flash reluctantly agrees.

Mob Rule had kidnapped Dr. Guerrero, the original doctor who gave Miguel regenerative powers, and were forcing him to find out why they were dying. Even with Manuel as their hostage the doctor could not find out why their lifetime was limited to just a few months. They killed Dr. Guerrero and did manage to replenish their ranks by cutting off Manuel's fingers and hands again. With Dr. Guerrero dead they seek out the man who built the genome re-coder Dr. Darwin Elias and kidnap him. Meanwhile with the help of his friend and co-worker Patty Spivot, Barry Allen located Miguel being held by Mob Rule in Dr. Guerrero's lab. Mob Rule finds them and Barry stays behind to give Patty and Miguel a chance to escape. During the conflict it appeared that one of Mob Rule shot Barry in the head, believing him to be dead they left his body behind.

Several members had mixed feelings on Barry's apparent death, but decided to go on with their plan and blew up the warehouse. Both the origins of Manuel and Mob rule are shown. Manuel was part of a CIA experiment and later captured by Basilisk. Miguel's had been secretly tracking Basilisk while working for the CIA in order to avenge his father. While captured Basilisk would cut off Manuel's fingers and to their pleasure, his regeneration meant more torture. The regeneration caused his limbs to grow into full copies of Miguel and they rescued their "father". Miguel then went rogue and continued hunting Basilisk until one day the copies just started dying inexplicably. Back in the present Miguel is told of Barry's death and he goes into a furry only to be captured. He awakens strapped to a machine in Dr. Elias's lab.

Miguel agrees to help Mob Rule live after they reveal all they want is life and his help in order to live. Barry survived his gun shot by narrowly dodging it and ran to find Miguel. Once in the lab a leak is caused by Barry and he runs to contain the impending explosion. Miguel berates Barry for causing the leak and blames Mob Rule's death on him as after the blast all of the copies die simultaneously. Manuel knocks out Dr. Elias and beats a wiped out Flash, then goes int hiding. He is later seen cutting off his fingers talking of finding a way to give his copies life. He says we are to which several voices respond Mob Rule!

Powers & Abilities

Each member of Mob Rule is a near perfect duplicate of Manuel Lago complete with his memories and a psychic link to each other though they have their own thoughts and personalities. They possess all of his CIA training and work as a team better than humanly possible each one acting as a piece of a whole, literally a 'one man army'. Their regenerative abilities allow them to heal from any injury and increase his strength and resilience beyond that of any man. Their bodies still continue to heal even after death. Though they can heal they cannot create new duplicates by cutting off limbs, only Manuel is capable of that.


November 2011

December 2011

January 2012

February 2012

March 2012


