
Lost Lanterns

Lost Lanterns

The Lost Lanterns are members of the Green Lantern Corps who were the final defense against Hal Jordan when he went rogue and assaulted the Green Lantern Corps. They were left for dead, but later rescued by Jordan from the Manhunters. They still held a grudge for his initial attack.

Lost Lanterns

Hal Jordan discovered the unconscious Lost Lanterns on Biot and brought them back to Oa to rejoin the Green Lantern Corps. They still do not trust Hal because they were not around when it was discovered that Parallax made him attack them, they still believed it was his fault and he should no longer be a Lantern. Many of them have since died, but the remaining have forgiven Hal and fight along side him.

Since being found on Biot:

  • Boodikka has been turned into an Alpha Lantern.
  • Chaselon was turned into an Alpha Lantern and was killed by a horde of Black Lanterns.
  • Jack T. Chance is killed by Kyle Rayner while he is under the control of Parallax. He later becomes a member of the Black Lantern Corps.
  • Ke'Haan was killed by the Anti-Monitor on Qward while on a mission to save Kyle Rayner. He later becomes a member of the Black Lantern Corps.
  • Kreon was killed while fighting with Hal on Biot. He later becomes a member of the Black Lantern Corps.
  • Laira murders Amon Sur in retaliation for Ke'Haan's death. Her anger gets her recruited to the Red Lantern Corps. When the Red Lanterns attempt to kill Sinestro, he kills her despite Hal's pleading for him to spare her. She later becomes a member of the Black Lantern Corps.
  • Graf Toren has made amends with Hal Jordan.
  • Hannu has fought against The Weaponers of Qward and their leader.
  • Tomar Tu has made amends with Hal Jordan.

Others who were recovered from Biot but do not travel with the Lost Lanterns because they were not left for dead by Hal Jordan:

  • Arisia was thought to have been murdered by Major Force but her race's natural healing abilities revived her after she was buried. The Cyborg Superman sent his Manhunters to bring her back to Biot.
  • Lashorr was thought dead after fighting the Dominators.
  • Relok Hag was thought dead after fighting the Dominators. He was forcefully made into an Alpha Lantern under the orders of the Cyborg Superman.


June 2006

July 2006

September 2007

October 2007

January 2008

February 2008

March 2008

April 2008

May 2008

June 2009

September 2009

October 2009

December 2009

January 2011






