
Legion Espionage Squad

Legion Espionage Squad

The Legion Espionage Squad is an undercover division of the Legion of Super-Heroes that operates in secret for specific espionage assignments. The head of the team is Chameleon Boy one of it's engineers.

Legion Espionage Squad


When members of the Legion of Super-Heroes were falsely imprisoned on Takron-Galtos. Two members of the team would come up with a way to rescue them. Aware that there would be massive backlash from the United Planets if they attempted to interfere with their incarceration both Chameleon Boy and the original Invisible Kid Lyle Norg created the Legion Espionage Squad. They were so successful in the original liberation and restitution of the incarcerated Legionnaires that it was decided to keep the unit active in a "as needed" basis.

“Do you hear something”?
“Do you hear something”?

Although originally formed as a secret resistance group it would be a part of unwrapping plots against the Legion over the years. In theory it is a secretive sub-team within the Legion and only the Legion team leader at the time would be allowed access to the meetings as decided by Chameleon Boy the acting Espionage leader. Specific recruits from the Legion would be included on missions depending on the needs of the mission. The Espionage Squad would undertake missions the Legion of Super-Heroes were not authorized to be involved in.

Chameleon Boy heads the Espionage Squad on one occasion recruiting Timber Wolf and Shrinking Violet to head with him to the Khund homeworld Khundia to accomplish some reconnaissance. Unbeknownst to acting Legion leader Lightning Lad. However Chameleon Boy's actions go awry as they crash land on Khundia soon caught up in a battle in the Khundian Arena's. UP frowns against invading a Khund planet forcing Lighting Lad to forbid any of the Earth bound Legionnaires to help rescue the stranded team.

Undercover Legion or Bust
Undercover Legion or Bust

Saturn Girl along with a small crew of other Legion members had to form a small rescue team to go in and save their teammates. They're plan almost a success they are shot and crash land onto a small frozen asteroid. The Legion Flight Rings now frozen and useless there was no way for the members to communicate or be found. Fortunately Dawnstar who was begged by Light Lass to help find them did discover their location and rescued them from likely death.


Equipment: The Legion Flight Ring is used by the members as a mode of travel allowing the wearer to fly. It's hi-tech mini computer allows various other uses as well. The members also utilize Legion Transuit's which is a thin layer of protective film which allow the wearer to inhabitant while in hostile environments. It can be used to survive even in the vacuum of space.

Transportation: The Legion Cruiser is the primary mode of transportation for the Legion Espionage Squad and there have been many varied models over the time.

Roster Timeline

Members (Original): Chameleon Boy, Dawnstar, Duo Damsel, Invisible Kid I, Invisible Kid II, Karate Kid, Phantom Girl, Shadow Lass, Shrinking Violet

Members (Reboot): Apparition, Chameleon, Invisible Kid, Sensor, Triad, Violet

Members (Retroboot): Chameleon Girl, Element Lad, Matter-Eater Lad, Quislet, Sensor Girl, Starman, Tellus


May 1978

May 1982

June 1982

July 1982

July 1988

December 1988

August 1995

May 1996

July 1998

August 2006

February 2009









