
Justice League of the Air

Justice League of the Air

This was one of the many Justice Leagues formed when Hector Hammond made the world forget the Justice League. This group was formed by Kyle Rayner and it consisted of flying heroes.

When Hector Hammond erased the knowledge of the Justice League from everyone in the world, Kyle Rayner formed a league of flying heroes.


  • Green Lantern- Kyle Rayner
  • Black Condor
  • Captain Atom
  • Ray
  • Firestorm
  • Doctor Light
  • Red Tornado

The Other Leagues

The members of the JLA all ended up being driven to form their own version of the Justice League, despite having their memories blocked.

  • Aquaman formed the Justice League of Atlantis
  • Batman formed the Justice League of Arkham
  • Flash formed the Justice League of Adventure
  • Martian Manhunter and Superman formed the Justice League of Aliens
  • Plastic Man formed the Justice League of Anarky
  • Wonder Woman formed the Justice League of Amazons
  • Zauriel formed the Justice League of Apostles


March 2001


