
Dog Pound

Dog Pound

Team of dog-themed villains Anubis, Devil Dog and Junkyard Dog. They initially called themselves The Global Ultra-society of Dread.

After the death of the second Hellhound, a dog-like humanoid and the cousin of the second Hellhound held a match,

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described as a title match, in order to have the right to use the name Hellhound. The fight was interrupted by Blue Beetle, who told them to come up with their own identities and suggested the names Anubis and Devil Dog. He told them to stay away from his hometown.

Dogs got KNOCKED OUT by a old cat.
Dogs got KNOCKED OUT by a old cat.

They later reemerged as a team, using the names Jamie suggested and called themselves "The Global Ultra-society of Dread" and later agreed on "Dog Pound". When attempting robbery, they were defeated by Blue Beetle. They were also later seen during an attack on the JSA led by Tapeworm, along with Junkyard Dog. While it's unknown when Junkyard joined them, it is implied that he is part of the team when he commented on how he tells Anubis to shut up when he tries to make jokes. Wildcat manages to punch all three of the dog-themed baddies out, leaving Junkyard and Anubis seriously bruised when they questioned them.


September 2008

October 2008

January 2009

February 2009

September 2009

October 2009

November 2009

December 2009

January 2010



