


The Dalwythians are a group of aliens that come to party on Earth.

Every four years the Dalwythian people of the Dalwyth System choose a planet to celebrate their independence from the tyrannical Alcini Meteor Lords. They choose Earth, specifically Metropolis, as their latest party venue, however Chloe Sullivan discovers that their parties destroy the host planet once they finish celebrating. With Superman away from the city it is up to Jimmy Olsen convince the aliens that Metropolis is the most boring place in the galaxy so they will leave.

The Dalwythians are humanoid, however they seem to have varying appearances. Some have four arms, some are lumbering brutes and others look reptilian. The atmosphere of their home planet is similar enough to Earth to allow them to survive, however prolonged exposure to Oxygen hinders their motor functions and reasoning, essentially making them drunk. They use breathing masks to get around town after a night of unprotected partying.

Durvella Cwion, High Princess of the Dalwyth System and her brother Dwavv are two of the most troublesome of the visitors.


November 2010

December 2010

January 2011

May 2011



