
Black Hole

Black Hole

Black Hole (AKA The Black Hole) is an Central City criminal organization trying to harness the Speed Force's power for themselves. They have advanced tech that they use mostly against Speedsters, the most used is the Lightning Gun, which uses electric blasts and "Tire Spikes" that tap into the Speed Force and interferes with the speedsters connection to it.


The Black Hole is a criminal organization in Central City built mainly with scientists who have studied the Speed Force and want to harness it's powers.

Speed Force Storm

In the events of The Flash #1, The Flash stopped Black Hole during a heist on S.T.A.R. Labs.

After the heist, August Heart, who was present in the crime scene, gained his connection to the Speed Force, and started his new life as Godspeed.

In The Flash #2, Black Hole creates the Speed Force Storm, a storm that gave many people in central city the powers of speedsters, including Meena Dhawan (AKA Negative Flash).


August 2016

September 2016

October 2016

November 2016

June 2017

September 2017

January 2018

March 2018

April 2018

May 2018

June 2020

July 2023




