
The Dream Warriors

The Dream Warriors

The Dream Warriors are a collection of Springwood/Elm Street children who possess great metaphysical nightmare strength each with their own unique ability.


The Dream Warriors are made up of the staff and young mental patients at the Westin Hills mental facility who were all under attack by Freddy Krueger. It is unclear how many of the patients were there solely because of Krueger or if they had been confined previously for unrelated reasons. Each of the patients possesses an ability when dreaming based off of some flaw or desire in their personality. The members in the original film are Nancy Thompson, Kristen Parker, Neil Gordon, Roland Kincaid, Taryn White, Will Stanton and (briefly) Joey Crusel. Jennifer Caulfield and Phillip Anderson are just victims in the film.


In Innovation's Nightmares on Elm Street series, the Dream Warriors, despite being killed, are still alive as spirits in the dream dimension, where they presumably act as superheroes and have honed their powers. They are prone at times to being controlled by Freddy. Kristen and Joey are not present, with Phillip and Jennifer in their places. Presumably this incarnation allows the ghosts of any of Krueger's victims to join regardless of if they had dream powers or not, although they sadly are forced to look like they did when they were killed and use their deformities as their powers.

In Nightmare Warriors, the Dream Warriors make only a cameo appearance to battle the Deadite legions. Jennifer and Phillip are not present, but Joey and Kristen are. In this incarnation, their ghosts enter the real world and possess all of their dream powers. None of them is able to speak except Nancy.


May 1992

July 1992

December 2009

January 2010



