
Explorers Ltd

Explorers Ltd

Group of super powered or technology based characters who united to use their individual abilities to assist in the exploration of the unknown, unexplained happenings on Earth. Created and published as an added back story in 1986 by AC Comics.

Explorers Ltd
First issue:
Venture (1986) #1


Published alongside another story line of the character Venture by A.C Comics, Explorers, Ltd was written as a short back-story containing a small band of super powered characters attempting to become super-heroes. This untitled story is written, drawn and inked by Mark Propst.


Explorers, Ltd. Kevin Mondell, Stacey Williams, Fiona Page and Mike Nesmith are four super-powered heroes-for-hire just starting out.

Explorers, Ltd. balk at their employers’ demands that they act like respectable superheroes, while interpersonal tensions on the team begin to strain. This is no time to have to face a couple of supremely-powerful mystical types, but that’s just what happens.

Unfortunately the story line of the team was never followed as A.C Comics stopped its publication.
