
Countdown to Infinite Crisis

Countdown to Infinite Crisis

The Blue Beetle, Ted Kord, has discovered something that has endangered his life, and the lives of others. Maxwell Lord has betrayed his former superhero colleagues, and plans to destroy them all.

Countdown to Infinite Crisis

Collected Editions

  • Booster Gold: 52 Pick-Up
  • JLA: Earth-2
  • Supergirl: Beyond Good and Evil
  • Wonder Woman: Mission's End

Related Issues

  • Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Special

Non-U.S. Editions

  • Contagem Regressiva para Crise Infinita - Edição Especial (Brazil)


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Cosmic legend has it that when the primordial gods of antiquity perished in some bygone cataclysm, the universe gave birth to a new breed of gods who reigned from two eternally warring worlds, the heavenly New Genesis and the hellish Apokolips. Now, a vast conspiracy of evil is determined to eradicate the New Gods, stealing their souls to wield universal power that can destroy all of reality.
At the end of an age in which time, space, and reality may bow before such sinister forces, the fate of the Earth lies in the hands of five unlikely super heroes who have one destiny to fulfill: to save the world at all costs, regardless of the consequences.
Written By: Greg Cox
Publisher: Ace Trade (July, 2009)
ISBN-10: 0441017185


May 2005

October 2005

November 2005

May 2011





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