
AC Comics

AC Comics

AC Comics is a comic book publishing company that was founded by Bill Black in 1969, it publishes Femforce, one of the first all-female teams in the comic book world.

AC Comics
  • Americomics
  • AC
  • Paragon Publications

AC Comics was founded in 1969 by Bill Black as Paragon Publications, in 1982 this name changed to Americomics but finally in 1989 it became AC Comics.

AC Comics reprints Golden Age Comics as well as its own titles, the most famous being FemForce. It tries to keep elements of the Golden Age alive such as Western and jungle tales. It often avoids the darker side that is in modern day comics and the company is famed for their good girl art.

Black Diamond and FemForce are their only series that have yet to be cancelled. The cancelled titles were Sentinels of Justice, Nightveil, She-Cat, Dragonfly and Captain Paragon.


Teams in volume