
Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman is an acclaimed English writer, best known for writing the legendary Sandman series and numerous award-winning novels. His seminal works include American Gods, Good Omens, and The Graveyard Book.

Neil Gaiman
Birth date:
November 10th, 1960
Home town:
Portchester, Hampshire
England, United Kingdom


Gaiman is best known for writing the award-winning Sandman series. This series follows Morpheus after the first issue of being kept prisoner for nearly a hundred years by a cult of humans whom - with black magic - plans to trap Death in a container, thus making everyone immortal. In 2009, Gaiman also wrote a "final" story for Batman. His story was called "Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?". This story was published in both Batman #686 and Detective Comics #853.

Creations and Co-Creations

Neil Gaiman has created many characters for various companies, here is a chronological list of some of them:

1 - In January of 1989, Neil Gaiman created the Endless for his series, The Sandman.

2 - His first member of the Endless, Dream, was created that same month (with the help of Sam Kieth and Mike Dringenberg) for the same first issue of Sandman.

3 - In August of the same year, he and Mike Dringenberg created Death of the Endless, whose first appearance was in the eighth issue of Sandman.

4 - Two months later in October of 1989, Neil and Mike again created more Endless, Desire and Despair.

5 - More than a year later in December of 1990, for the 21st issue of Sandman, he and Mike Dringenberg created Delirium.

6 - The final member of the Endless Gaiman created was Destruction, in November 1991 with Bryan Talbot, and he first appeared in The Sandman Special, issue one.

7 - In 1993, Gaiman was contracted by Todd McFarlane to write a single issue of Spawn, a popular title at the newly created Image Comics company. McFarlane was promoting his new title by having guest authors Gaiman, Alan Moore, Frank Miller, and Dave Sim each write a single issue. In issue #9 of the series, Gaiman introduced the characters Angela, Cogliostro and Medieval Spawn.

Novels and other works

Aside from being a graphic novelist, Neil is also an author of numerous novels and short stories for adults and young adults alike. The books that he wrote where American Gods, Coralline, Anansi Boys, Stardust, Good Oman's, The Graveyard Book and The Ocean at the End of the Lane.

American Gods

American Gods
American Gods

The story of a man called Shadow, a man with a dark past but now wants to live a quiet life back home. After finding out that his wife had been killed, he is confronted by Mr. Wednesday - a man who is more than what he appears to be. He hires Shadow for a task and together they travel across America but the job Shadow signed up for was much more unusual than what he had expected.

Anansi Boys

Anansi Boys
Anansi Boys

Gaiman's Anansi Boys takes place in the same universe as American Gods. Its the story of "Fat Charlie" who, after the sudden death of his father, discovers that he has a brother he didn't know about and that he is not what he thinks he is.



Coraline tells the adventures of Coraline Jones, an adventurous kid who loves to explore. She and her parents move in to a new home where the neighbors are everything but normal and in their new home she finds a door that leads into an alternate world where things are fantastic but also gothic at the same time.

The book has spawned a movie adaptation under the same name under Dreamworks studios.



Interworld is a collaboration between writers Neil Gaiman and Michael Reeves, both of whom originally intended Interworld for television. The book takes place in a universe where there are numerous parallel universes, each one being more accustomed to either science or magic. Our protagonist Joey, an ordinary kid who has an extraordinary lack of sense of direction, finds himself caught between the crossfires of magic and science. But Joey finds help from the last person he expected - himself.

Good Omens

Good Omens
Good Omens

Another collaboration but this time Neil Gaiman teams up with Terry Pratchett of the Discworld series fame. The book plays around with idea of good/evil being a matter of choice and not of nature. In Good Omens, the world is about to end. The anti-christ has been born and is slowly breaking the world. Two beings, an angel and a demon, both have grown fond of their lives on earth, have agreed to do everything they can to postpone the apocalypse.

The Graveyard Book

The Graveyard Book
The Graveyard Book

The Graveyard Book is a parody of The Jungle Book. It centers around Nobody Owens who as an infant was left in a graveyard and from then on had been raised by ghosts throughout his life. Now as he grows up, he finds himself intrigued of the world beyond the cemetery gates but he has no idea of the danger that lurk there.



The novel revolves around Richard Mayhew. He's a plain with a good heart and a very ordinary life and an ordinary job - until one day, he finds his life is changed forever when he finds a girl bleeding on the London pavement. He is then thrown into a world he never knew existed right under his nose.

The novel was written after a TV show was produced for the BBC. There is also a graphic novel based on Neil's book.

The Ocean at the End of the Lane

No Caption Provided

It's a fable that reshapes modem fantasy: moving, terrifying and elegiac-as pure as a dream, as delicate as butterfly's wings, as dangerous as a knife in the dark.

It began forty years ago when a South African opal miner lodging with the narrator's family stole the family's car and took his own life, stirring up some ancient powers best left undisturbed. Dark creatures from beyond this world are in the loose, and it will take everything are narrator has just to stay alive: there is primal horror here, and menace unleashed-within his family and from the force that have gathered to destroy it.

His only defense is three women, on the farm at the end of the lane. The youngest of them claims that her duckpond is a ocean. The oldest can remember the Big Bang.

As heard on BBC Radio 4S Book at Bedtime.

Movies based on Neil Gaiman Novels.

In 2007 a movie was made called Stardust based on the books series.

In 2009 the movie Coralline was made for young kids to watch. The series was made in animated movie for younger kids to watch.

Additionally, Neverwhere was a series on BBC television.

Personal Life

Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman

Neil Richard Gaiman came from a background of Polish Jews from the Netherlands in 1916. His grandfather eventually settled in Hampshire City of Portsmouth on the south coast of England and established a chain of grocery stores. He was educated at several Church of England schools where he studied both standard school topics and religion classes. In the early 1980's, Gaiman pursued journalism, conducting interviews and writing reviews, as a means to learn about the world and to make connections that he hoped would later assist him in getting published.

He is married to musician and performer Amanda Palmer, of Dresden Dolls fame. In her recent The Art of Asking, Palmer says that she opts for Kickstarters and crowdsourcing over asking her husband for financial support for artistic endeavors because she wants her success to be her own.

Other Media



Arthur "Falafelosophy"

Gaiman appeared in episode of PBS' "Arthur" animated series as anthropomorphic cat. The episode "Falafelosophy," shows Gaiman visiting Arthur's town of Elwood, where he inspires one of Arthur's female pals Sue Ellen to create her own graphic novel. She sees him for most of the episode as her day dream muse, appearing in bizarre places like in her food as tiny version of himself. By the end episode the real Neil Gaiman talks with Sue Ellen about writing.

The Simpsons

Simpsons Gaiman
Simpsons Gaiman

Gaiman graced the small screen in an episode of The Simpsons. In the episode titled "The Book Job", Gaiman joins a rag tag gang of money seekers in order to co-author a best selling teen novel called "The Troll Twins of Underbridge Academy". Rather than write any of the novel, Gaiman instead provides food and beverages and takes care of the others' needs.


December 1988

January 1989

February 1989

March 1989

April 1989

May 1989

June 1989

July 1989

August 1989

September 1989

October 1989

November 1989

December 1989

January 1990

March 1990

April 1990

June 1990

July 1990

August 1990

September 1990

October 1990

December 1990














