
Enrique G. Puig

Enrique G. Puig

Enrique "Spike" G. Puig is a writer, journalist, translator, and radio host from Mexico City. Spike is the only Mexican writer Marvel has ever hired so far.

Enrique G. Puig
  • Spike
Birth date:
September 18th, 1983
Home town:
Mexico City

Formerly a Music Production major, Enrique "Spike" G. Puig taught himself script-writing. He started working as a script doctor for Mexican films such as Buscando a Mar, and translating TV shows for Latin America like Boss, starring Kelsey Grammer. He formalized his creative literature studies at Sogem, the Mexican writers' guild At the same time he started working independently with Marvel artists from Mexico City, like Rulo Valdés, Oscar Bazaldúa, Mario Guevara and Gerardo Sandoval, as a script translator.

He has written for Marvel Comics, for Heavy Metal Magazine, and independent Mexican projects.

Spike is also a full-time comic book journalist, he writes for Comikaze magazine (four-time winner of the national Edmundo Valadés journalism grant), blogs like the Fantastico/Comicastle comic book store blog (the largest chain in Mexico), podcasts, and had an hour-long segment Fridays on Reactor 105.7 FM in the Dos Humanos y Un Androide show.

He translated Trees, Revival, and Hack/Slash from Image, Top Cow's Witchblade, and Marvel's Star Wars Legends books for the Mexican market, published by Panini Comics Mexico and Editorial Kamite.

Cameo appearances

Spike appeared (along with fellow Mexican artist Humberto Ramos) in a splash page drawn by Raúl Valdés in X-Treme X-Men #13. The character Agent Puig from Image's Revival series by Tim Seeley and Mike Norton is based on his likeness. He also appears in a panel of Nova #17 drawn by Paco Medina (in a panel that also includes famous Mexican UFOlogist Jaime Maussan).

X-Treme X-Men #13
X-Treme X-Men #13
Revival #19
Revival #19
Nova #17
Nova #17


March 2015


