
USS Enterprise

USS Enterprise

The starship Enterprise has had many incarnations, notably the most successful warship in Earth's history, and is remembered well into the 24th century with the Sovereign-class USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E.

USS Enterprise
Start year:
First issue:
Star Trek (1967) #1 The Planet Of No Return


There have been six Federation starships with the name Enterprise; indeed it is the most famous ship in known space. The legacy of the Enterprise predates space travel by centuries. "Enterprise" (a word for a venture of scope, risk and promise) has a long Earth lineage, from the age of sail through the warp 5 engine. l'Entreprenant (Enterprising) was a French sailing ship in 1671. A subsequent ship, l'Entreprise was captured by the British Royal Navy in 1705 and renamed HMS Enterprize, a name used in British and American navies through the 21st century. A prototype for NASA's space shuttle fleet was named Space Shuttle Enterprise (OV-101) by popular demand in 1976.

The first Earth Starfleet vessel commissioned Enterprise NX-01 launched in 2151 under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer, initiating the era of Humanity's deep space exploration. The first Federation starship Enterprise NCC-1701 was commissioned in 2245 under the command of Robert April, and later saw command under Christopher Pike and James T. Kirk.

HMS Enterprize

HMS Enterprize
HMS Enterprize

The first vessel to be named “Enterprise” formerly known as L’Entreprise, a French frigate with 24 guns; later captured from the French by the British and was re-christened HMS Enterprise in 1705. She wrecked on October 12, 1707 off of Thornton. This was the first in a not only a long line of British and American ships to carry the name, but this was the progenitor of the great line of sea-going vessels and starships that carried the name into the 24th century and beyond.

HMS Enterprize statistics:

  • Length: 33.5m
  • Beam: 8.5m
  • Draught: 4.5m
  • Compliment: 115
  • Armament of 24 guns
  • Displacement: 320 tons.

USS Enterprise CV-6

USS Enterprise CV-6
USS Enterprise CV-6

The USS Enterprise (nicknamed “Big E”) (CV-6) was an American aircraft carrier that served during the Second World War; she served in nearly every engagement of the Pacific theater and as such she was the most decorated ship in the war. Her planes sank, destroyed or otherwise damaged over 250 enemy vessels. She was arguably the most successful warship in history. It is largely because of this vessel that the Enterprise name is remembered. She was put to sea in 1936 and retired in 1947, finally scrapped in 1958 amid much public anger from the men who served upon her and their families.

USS Enterprise (CV-6) Statistics:

  • Displacement: 19,800 tons Standard, 25,500 full load (original) 32,060 full load (later)
  • Length: 809' 6" (later 827' 5")
  • Beam: 83' (later 95' 5") at waterline, 108' 11" (later 114' 2") flight deck
  • Draught: 21' 8" (std) 27' 11" (full)
  • Propulsion: 9 geared steam turbines, 9 Babcock & Wilcox boilers (400 PSI) 120,000 SHP (4 shafts) = 32.5 knots
  • Compliment: 1889 (peace) 2919 (war)
  • Armament: 8 5"/L38 guns, 16 1.1" guns, (original) 8 5"/L38 guns, 44 40mm guns, 60 20mm guns (later)
  • Aircraft: 81-90 (1945)
  • Builder: Newport News SBDD, Newport News, VA
  • Laid Down: 16 July 1934
  • Launched: 3 October 1936
  • Commissioned: 12 May 1938

USS Enterprise CVN-65

USS Enterprise CVN-65
USS Enterprise CVN-65

As the direct successor to the CV-6, the next ship named USS Enterprise was the first nuclear aircraft carrier. (CVN-65) (Also nicknamed “Big E”) This Enterprise was the most powerful ship of its time. She was one of the principle vessels to serve on blockade during the Cuban Missile Crisis. She served with distinction during many engagements, including Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and the Eugenics Wars, where, during the final battle of the war the USS Enterprise was forced to ram Khan's flagship, a super-carrier, sinking both vessels. She was put to sea in 1961 and sunk in 1996.

USS Enterprise (CVN-65) Statistics:

  • Displacement: 75,700 std, 91,100 full load
  • Length: 1119' 9" (many sources list 1101' 6")
  • Beam: 126' 4" at waterline, 256" 11" over flight deck
  • Draught: 35' 5"
  • Propulsion: 8 Westinghouse A2W nuclear fission reactors, geared steam turbines, 280,000(?) SHP = 36(?) knots
  • Compliment: 425 officers, 4154 crew, including air crew


  • 1961 - None
  • 1968 - 1 octuple Basic Point Defense Missile System (BPDMS)
  • 1971 - 3 octuple Basic Point Defense Missile System (BPDMS)
  • 1984 - 2 octuple Basic Point Defense Missile System (BPDMS), 3 Vulcan-Phalanx Close In Weapon System (CIWS) 20mm gatling guns
  • Aircraft: 80-95
  • Builder: Newport News SBDD, Newport News, VA
  • Laid Down: 4 February 1958
  • Launched: 24 September 1960
  • Commissioned: 25 November 1961

Enterprise OV-101

Enterprise OV-101
Enterprise OV-101

In recognition of the two previous vessels named Enterprise, the first reusable space vessel (Space Shuttle) was named Enterprise as well. (OV-101) She was a prototype and built without engines, the intention was to test her landing capability upon re-entry. She served as the test-bed for many of the Space Shuttle technologies. Later, she became the center-piece of the spaceflight wing of the Air and Space Museum. Enterprise was rolled out in 1976. The first truly space-worthy space shuttle was named Columbia.

Enterprise (OV-101) Statistics:

  • Length: 122'
  • Wingspan: 78'
  • Mass: ~75 tons (unfueled)

Designed Propulsion:

  • 3 SSME liquid hydrogen fueled rockets, 470,000 lbs thrust each
  • 2 Morton-Thiokol Solid Rocket Boosters.
  • 2 monomethyl-hydrazine/nitrogen tetroxide OMS
  • Actual propulsion: None
  • Designed Compliment: 2-7
  • Rollout: 17 September 1976

Enterprise NX-01


The next noteworthy vessel named Enterprise (NX-01) was also the first true starship of that name. She established Earth as a legitimate interstellar power and paved the way for the creation of the United Federation of Planets. She was the first Earth ship capable of warp 5 and made first (Human) contact with the Klingons, the Romulans, the Suliban, the Tholians, and the Xindi, among many others. She was launched in 2151 and retired in 2161 shortly after the founding of the Federation.

Enterprise (NX-01) Statistics:

  • Mass: 550,000 metric tons
  • Length: 230m
  • Width: 135.8m
  • Height: 34.3m
  • Decks: 7
  • Built: Warp 5 Complex, San Francisco Shipyards
  • Armament: Phase Cannons, Spatial Torpedoes, (upgraded) Photonic Torpedoes
  • Defense: Polorized Hull Plating

USS Enterprise NCC-1701

USS Enterprise
USS Enterprise

The first Federation starship named USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) was launched in 2245. She was a Constitution-class starship; she broke almost every previous record ever set by a starship. She was capable of warp 8, but was clocked at warp 14.1 at one point. She made first contact with the First Federation, the Gorn, the Talosians, the Thasians, and the Organians, among others. During an incident with the Romulans, her crew stole and successfully installed a cloaking device onto the ship, though this only proved to be a temporary advantage. She had multiple upgrades and refits during her lifetime. This Enterprise self-destructed in the Mutara sector to keep the Enterprise from falling into Klingon hands in 2285.

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) Statistics:

  • Mass: 190,000 metric tons
  • Length: 289m
  • Beam: 127m
  • Height: 72m (23 decks)


  • 2 Cochrane type Space Warp nacelles = Warp Factor 6 (cruising speed) = Warp Factor 8 (emerg. speed)
  • 2 fusion impulse sublight engines
  • Compliment: 430
  • Chief Designer: W. Matt Jeffries
  • Builder: San Francisco Shipyards
  • Armament: Phasers, Photon Torpedoes
  • Defense: Deflector Shields

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A

USS Enterprise A
USS Enterprise A

The USS Yorktown was renamed USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) in appreciation of the crew of the Enterprise and their service to the Federation during the Probe incident in 2286. Her first shakedown cruise was cancelled when a major design flaw caused the Enterprise to have to limp back to Spacedock. She served with distinction and shortly afterward and breached the Great Barrier. In 2293, she, along with USS Excelsior saved the Khitomer Accords from sabotage that might have plunged the Federation and Klingon Empire into a costly war. She was retired later that year.

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) Statistics:

  • Mass: 190,000 metric tons
  • Length: 305m
  • Beam: 127m
  • Height: 71m (23 decks)


  • 2 Cochrane type Space Warp nacelles,
  • 2 fusion impulse sublight engines
  • Compliment: 430
  • Builder: San Francisco Shipyards
  • Armament: Phasers, Photon Torpedoes
  • Defense: Deflector Shields

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B

USS Enterprise B
USS Enterprise B

The following USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B) was an Excelsior-class starship that during her shakedown cruise in 2294 rescued El-Aurian refugees from an energy distortion that nearly destroyed the ship. Later, she was directly involved in the aftermath of the Tomed Incident which cost thousands of Federation lives. The Enterprise-B was involved in exploration beyond the Gourami sector, charting 142 star systems and making first contact with seventeen new civilizations. In 2329 the Enterprise B was lost (presumed destroyed) after the crew reports contracting an unknown infection.

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B) Statistics:

  • Length: 511m
  • Beam: 196m
  • Height: 86m
  • Mass: 2,350,000 metric tons
  • Builder: Starfleet Antares Shipyard
  • Armament: Phasers, Photon Torpedoes
  • Defense: Deflector Shields

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C

USS Enterprise C
USS Enterprise C

The Ambassador-class USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) was launched in 2332 and was the most powerful vessel of it’s time. This Enterprise is noteworthy because she was the first ship named Enterprise to have a female Captain and she was also the first starship Enterprise to be lost in battle. In 2344 she responded to a distress signal from the Klingon outpost at Narendra III which was under Romulan attack. It is believed that the Enterprise-C was lost with all hands.

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) Statistics:

  • Length: 529m
  • Beam: 317m
  • Height: 130m
  • Builder: Earth Station McKinley
  • Chief Designer: Greg Jein
  • Armament: Phasers, Photon Torpedoes
  • Defense: Deflector Shields

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D

USS Enterprise D
USS Enterprise D

The following USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) a Galaxy-class, was launched in 2363 and was the fastest and most advanced ship in the fleet and made the Flagship of the Federation. Her crew made first contact with the Ferengi, the Borg, the Q; Gomtuu, among others. She was instrumental in the defeat of the Borg in 2367 after the massacre of Wolf 359. She oversaw Starfleet’s taking of station Deep Space Nine. She was destroyed in 2371 near Veridian III after a surprise Klingon attack. She destroyed her attacker, but was herself destroyed by a warp core breach. Her saucer-section crash landed safely on the planet, though the ship was unsalvageable.

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) Statistics:

  • Length: 641m
  • Beam: 471m
  • Height: 147m (42 decks)
  • Compliment: 1012


  • 2 WPS nacelles
  • 8 IPS impulse sublight engines, 24 IRC fusion reactors.
  • Builder: Utopia Planitia, Mars
  • Chief Designer: Andrew Probert
  • Armament: Phasers, Photon Torpedoes
  • Defense: Deflector Shields

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E

USS Enterprise E
USS Enterprise E

The Sovereign-class USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) was commissioned in 2372 along with her crew to save the Earth from Borg attack on her first mission during the Battle of Sector 001. She served with distinction during the Dominion War and protected the interests of the Ba’ku from the self-interested Son'a within the Briar Patch. She found herself allied with the Romulans against the Remans during the Battle of the Bassen Rift. Heavily damaged in this conflict she returned to Earth for repairs.

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) Statistics:

  • Length: 685m
  • Beam: 250m
  • Height: 88m
  • Armament: Phasers, Photon Torpedoes, Quantum Torpedoes
  • Defense: Deflector Shields, Ablative Armor

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-F

USS Enterprise F
USS Enterprise F

The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F) was a 25th century Federation starship, initially an Odyssey-class star cruiser and post-refit a Yorktown-class dreadnought in Starfleet service in the 2400s and 2410s decades. Its commanding officer was Captain Va'Kel Shon.

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-J

USS Enterprise J
USS Enterprise J

Sometime in the 26th century a USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-J) Universe-class will be commissioned and serve during the Battle of Proycon V, in which the Federation will defeat the "Sphere Builders".


December 1967

December 1979

December 1984

January 1990

June 1990

December 1990

February 1991

January 1992

September 1992

October 1992

November 1993

December 1993

February 1994

March 1994

April 1994

June 1994

August 1994

September 1994

October 1994

July 1995

August 1995

September 1995

October 1995

November 1995

December 1995

January 1996

February 1996

April 2000

June 2000

February 2001
