
Thought Robot

Thought Robot

The auto-adapting device created by Dax Novu for the monitors to defeat Mandrakk.

Thought Robot
  • Cosmic Armor Superman
Start year:
First issue:
Final Crisis: Superman Beyond 3D (2008) #1


The Thought Robot is a 4-D Superman woken up in a body of pure thought. He is powered by symmetry, memories, duality, probabilities, and possibilities. A doomsday machine engineered by the Monitors to defend against the ultimate evil. Capable of adapting instantly to counter any future threat. A sentinel-suit designed for a single purpose, to protect all existence against the ultimate enemy. A plot device.

Thought Robot/Cosmic Armor Superman

It took the combined energies of the Anti-Matter Ultraman and the positive matter Superman to signal and power it. It took the form of a giant Superman while controlled by Kal-El. The robot fought and defeated Mandrakk, in the end, he pushed Mandrakk to the Overvoid. Discovering his original identity in the process. The battle left him blinded and damaged beyond repair. Before he falls, the robot engraves its own tombstone with a warning.

Powers & Abilities

  • Adaptation
  • Berserker Strength
  • Energy Absorption
  • Cosmic Awareness
  • Dimensional Manipulation
  • Divine Powers
  • Flight
  • Fourth Wall Breakage
  • Heat Vision
  • Invulnerability
  • Levitation
  • Plot Manipulation
  • Reactive Evolution
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Energy Manipulation


March 2009
