
Sonic knife

Sonic knife

A sonic knife to pierce the symbiotes and kill the hosts.

Sonic knife
Start year:


Separation Anxiety

When Eddie Brock was later separated from the Venom symbiote by the government, Scream and the other Five Symbiotes broke him out of prison and kidnapped him in a last ditch effort to communicate with their alien "others." Unfortunately Eddie refused to aid them, due to Carnage's example that his "children" became psychopathic killers. After Agony was mysteriously killed, supposedly by Brock, Phage went on a rampage to avenge her by killing Brock. Phage wound up dying however under similarly mysterious circumstances because of a sonic knife that could cut through symbiotes. As it turned out, Scream's host, Donna, had snapped from a possible case of schizophrenia and her symbiote's influence, now believing that the symbiotes and any who host them were evil. She tried misleading the other symbiotes into thinking Eddie Brock was picking them off, but she eventually lost her patience and went on to kill the rest of the symbiote hosts. Scream was about to kill Brock, until the Venom symbiote arrived for its host and merged with Brock again. Together as Venom, they defeated Scream who later wound up being apprehended by federal agents.


February 1995
