
Naglfar Beacon

Naglfar Beacon

A horrendous artifact forged under Loki's supervision. The Naglfar Beacon was designed to summon a fleet of likenamed ships carrying zombified gods of varying faiths who perished in their respective ragnaroks.

Naglfar Beacon
Start year:


An Asgardian item of horrifyingly cataclysmic proportions crafted by a time tossed God of Mischief over the coarse of the ages. The Naglfar Beacon's design was concocted in secret by a past/future tense Loki who facilitated it's construction in preparation for the War of Realms instigated by Malekith and his Dark Council. The former of whom using time travel in order to conceive of its creation, supervise it's forging and then hide it's location from the very anneals of history itself.

Hoping to prevent anyone depraved enough or mad enough to seek it out from ever using it, after which he would discard it in the distant bygone era where it would remain lost even to his knowledge and memory until he needed it. In present day, rumors of the item of Armageddon spread across the galaxy and its resting place was found by the space pirate Nebula who sought to use it to one up Gamora in kick-starting galactic genocide.


The Naglfar Beacon's main ability lies in its calling of Naglfar, the ferrying ship of the dead in Norse Mythology. But not simply one lone vessel sailing the infinite void of niffelheim, but an entire fleet of ships carrying dead gods from varying religions all across the universe dubbed; The Naglfar Armada.

A great many faiths carry their own stories of Ragnarok, the twilight of the gods. An event which the cycle of life, death and rebirth plays out anew every few eons when all the Absolute Beings go to war with their particular penultimate evil. Inevitably dying only to be ascend back to life in a new form; awaiting the day when the eternal phase repeats itself. Yet every time said deities die and are resurrected again and again however.

Their old, decaying bodies are left behind to sail there apocalyptic Neather as shells of their former selves. Burning with an unimaginable agony and fury against both mortals and the living cosmos as a whole, wanting to drag everything within creation to Hel and back as they were for all their suffering.

With possession of the horn, one can call forth said fleet of zombie gods to do their bidding and slaughter whomever or whatever comes between them and their undead tonnage. Cities, civilizations, planets, stars, galaxies; a weapon of ultimate destruction capable of pooling the powers of trillions of fallen divinities called to final battle at the behaste of said artifacts blower to slaughter all of reality. All of whom having differing powers and forms as well, based upon the views and perceptions of those who believed in them to take shape.


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