
Infinity Gauntlet

Infinity Gauntlet

The Infinity Gauntlet is a cosmic artifact that grants the wearer complete mastery over the six infinity gems in it: time, space, power, soul, mind, and reality. The Gauntlet will also grant omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence, along with all the various powers of the Gems themselves, to the bearer. It was assembled by the Mad Titan Thanos, who used the Gauntlet's Power to wipe out half of life in the Universe to impress his love, Mistress Death.

Infinity Gauntlet
Start year:


The Infinity Gauntlet is a cosmic artifact that grants the wearer complete mastery over the Infinity Gems.

Infinity Gauntlet

The Gauntlet's First Wielder
The Gauntlet's First Wielder

Mistress Death resurrected Thanos to correct an imbalance in the fabric of the universe with the realization that there were more people alive than had ever died. She brought him back from the dead and gave him the gauntlet with the agreement that he do something about the imbalance of life in the present day. Thanos spent time at the Infinity Well; the supposed source of all universal knowledge. In his research he discovered the true nature of the Infinity Gems. He then sought out the gems from the unwary owners (The In-Betweener and Elders of the Universe). He assembled the six infinity gems on his own golden glove creating what becomes known as the Infinity Gauntlet.

Thanos then spent time practicing with the gems. He kept his promise to Mistress Death by eliminating 50% of the universe's population. All of Earth's mightiest superheroes that remained fought against Thanos in an attempt to stop him. But they needed someone who knew Thanos' weaknesses like no one else did, better than Thanos himself. Hence, Adam Warlock stepped in to help Earth and it's heroes. Thanos lost the gauntlet to Nebula, and she subsequently lost it to Warlock. Warlock used the Gauntlet and became a god. In order to make himself a noble god he subconsciously expelled all good and evil from his being creating the Magus and the Goddess. The Living Tribunal appeared and forced Warlock to give up his power; Eternity then declared that the Gems could never be used together again.

The gems were split up amongst Warlock and his closest companions, Moondragon, Drax, Pip, and Gamora. Eternity secretly gave the last one to Thanos. This group, minus Thanos, became the Infinity Watch.

Infinity War

During Infinity War the Magus traveled across dimensions and collected 5 cosmic cubes. He planned to make a machine that could help him acquire the Infinity Gauntlet that would be free from the Living Tribunal's decree that the gems would no longer work in unison. Magus forced Eternity into a coma like state and created warped doppelgangers of every hero on Earth with the clone of Thanos working as his right hand man.

Earth's mightiest heroes were forced to team-up with Thanos and Galactus to stop Magus. Warlock took back all the gems and tried to use the Gauntlet with little success. They then realized that the ruling from Eternity was still in affect. Galactus traveled to speak with Eternity and the Living Tribunal to have the ruling on the use of the Gauntlet reversed. However, Eternity was the only entity that could reverse the decree, and he was still in a coma. Galactus set about restoring him with the help of Gamora. Meanwhile, Magus kidnapped Warlock, stealing the Infinity Gauntlet from him and held him them prisoner in his citadel. Eternity was revived from his coma long enough to reverse his ruling, and the Gauntlet became functional once more.

Never Again
Never Again

Magus began adjusting to his new power and unleashed all of his doppelgangers against Earth's heroes. Magus then froze everyone and teleported them into his citadel to become his trophies, but he was ambushed by Thanos who had been fighting his own doppelganger in another part of the citadel. Warlock broke free of his restraints and grabbed a hold of the Gauntlet while Magus was still wearing it. Because of Warlocks greater knowledge of how to use the Gauntlet, and the fact that the Reality Gem which Warlock inserted in the gauntlet was a fake, he was able to overpower Magus and absorb him back into his body. Eternity and Infinity then appeared and pronounced that no matter what the circumstances, the gems would never work in unison ever again. The gems were divided up once again among the Infinity Watch.


Reed Richards calls the group together and reveals to them that he has been gathering the infinity gems and the Gauntlet, and that three of the gems were already in his possession. After they manage to gather the remaining gems, the Watcher appears before them and warns Reed that the power the gauntlet contains is too much for one man to wield on his own. After some convincing, Reed gives up the gems which are then divided up between the group then, with the help of the Watcher, they are hidden far away from where anyone else may find them

Captain America wielding the Gauntlet
Captain America wielding the Gauntlet

During New Avengers, the Illuminati assembled the Infinity Gauntlet to prevent a Universal Incursion from destroying the two universes that were colliding with each other. Captain America wore the gauntlet and pushed the other Earth away from Earth-616. Due to the immense amount of power required, their was a side-effect, which destroyed 5 of the 6 Infinity Gems and caused the one remaining gem, the Time Gem, to disappear.

The Gems & Their Powers

Infinity Gems
Infinity Gems

Time Gem: Total control over all aspects of time including time travel, stopping time, slowing down or speeding up time, and to accelerate or slow down aging.

Space Gem: Limitless manipulation of space, allowing for teleportation, dimensional manipulation, creation of wormholes, etc.

Soul Gem: Limitless manipulation of souls both alive and dead. Also, has shown the power to be able to evolve or devolve a being both physically and mentally.

Reality Gem: Locally or universally alters the natural laws of the universe to the wielders will.

Power Gem: Controls all of the power in the universe. It can be used to augment or inhibit any force.

Mind Gem: Taps the user into the universal consciousness, allowing for unlimited manipulation of psionic powers including telepathy and telekinesis.

Limitations: The Infinity Gauntlet only works in the universe it is from (which is why Darkseid could do nothing with it). Since the end of the Infinity War, Eternity pronounced "Let it be known the power that the Living Tribunal represents will never again allow the gems to work in unison. No matter what the crisis."

Powers & Abilities

Darkseid and the Infinity Gauntlet
Darkseid and the Infinity Gauntlet

The Infinity Gauntlet itself has no power, it is merely a device to contain all the gems in one location/item. Anyone with the knowledge of the whereabouts of the gems can obtain the Gauntlet, but it takes much more than holding the Gauntlet to wield its power. Like the gems themselves, it takes much knowledge and discipline to accurately use the near infinite power of the Gauntlet and become a God.

Ultimately, the power of the Infinity Gauntlet is not meant for mortals, as mortals are not meant to be gods. This is evident in conversations between Thanos and Adam Warlock, both having achieved and lost their godhood. Both had voluntarily given up their power, realizing that it was not theirs to have. After giving up their power, the knowledge and godliness they had slowly melted away, becoming just a haunting reminder of the immense power and responsibility they once had.

Those who have wielded the Infinity Gauntlet:

  • Thanos
  • Nebula
  • Adam Warlock
  • Magus
  • Spider-Man
  • Mr. Fantastic
  • Professor X
  • Darkseid
  • Iron Man
  • Captain America
  • Doctor Doom
  • Black Panther

Other Realities


The Hulk with the Infinity Gauntlets
The Hulk with the Infinity Gauntlets

In the Ultimate Marvel universe, the Infinity Gems actually combine to form two separate Gauntlets. They are assembled by the various members of the Ultimates before being stolen by Reed Richards and his team of Dark Ultimates, with the Hulk initially donning them to battle his former teammates. The Gauntlets and Gems are later shattered, and the Dark Ultimates are defeated.

Other Media


The Super Hero Squad Show

The Gauntlet and Sword
The Gauntlet and Sword

The Infinity Gauntlet appears in the second season of The Super Hero Squad Show, with a major running plot involving Thanos trying to find the various Infinity Gems. In the finale, he forms the Gauntlet and uses it to battle the heroes, only to have it stolen by the Dark Surfer. The Surfer combines the Gauntlet with the power of the Infinity Sword before both items are shattered, creating the Infinity Fractals.

Avengers Assemble

The Infinity Gauntlet in Avengers Assemble
The Infinity Gauntlet in Avengers Assemble

The Infinity Gauntlet appears in the second season of Avengers Assemble. In the episode "Widow's Run", Thanos forms the Infinity Gauntlet after stealing the remaining Infinity Stones from Black Widow. After Thanos is defeated, Ultron absorbs the Gauntlet's power (utilizing Arsenal's energy collecting abilities) and flies off to parts unknown.



The Replica Infinity Gauntlet in Odin's vault
The Replica Infinity Gauntlet in Odin's vault

The Right-handed Infinity Gauntlet makes a brief, split-second cameo in Thor, where it can be seen in Odin's treasure room. The various Infinity Gems have since appeared independent of the Gauntlet (in Captain America, The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Doctor Strange), implying that the one seen in the treasure room is a replica. This is confirmed in Thor: Ragnarok, where Hela reveals that Odin's Infinity Gauntlet is a fake.

Avengers: Infinity War

Infinity War
Infinity War

The Gauntlet makes an appearance in the mid-credits scene for Avengers: Age of Ultron, where Thanos is seen retrieving it from a vault. He places it on his hand and says "Fine. I'll do it myself," suggesting that he will be hunting down the Infinity Stones.

The Infinity Gauntlet appears in the film Avengers: Infinity War, as the main focus. Within the film, the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and other heroes race top stop Thanos from completing the Gauntlet by finding the remaining Infinity Stones. The item's backstory is also given, as it is revealed to be a special glove that the dwarven blacksmith Eitri was forced to create for Thanos as a way to safely control all of the Infinity Stones at once.

Avengers: Endgame

Hulk wielding the second Infinity Gauntlet
Hulk wielding the second Infinity Gauntlet

At the start of the follow-up, Avengers: Endgame, the remaining Avengers track down Thanos and attempt to defeat him to steal the Infinity Gauntlet. They manage to overpower Thanos and sever his arm, but find the Gauntlet empty. Thanos reveals that he destroyed the Infinity Stones before the Avengers arrived to prevent anyone else from being able to use them. Five years later, the Avengers devise a plan to travel back in time to find the Infinity Stones before they were acquired by Thanos, hoping to use them to bring back those he killed. To harness the power of the Stones, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Rocket Raccoon build a new Infinity Gauntlet. During the final battle of the film, the Avengers fight against Thanos' army to keep him from stealing the Gauntlet away.


Marvel Universe and Marvel Legends
Marvel Universe and Marvel Legends
  • Hasbro released a foam Infinity Gauntlet toy as part of an exclusive set for San Diego Comic-Con 2014, which came packaged with figures of Thanos, Death, Nebula and Starfox. The foam gauntlet was later rereleased for Avengers: Infinity War as a single item.
  • An Infinity Gauntlet oven mitt was released, but was later recalled due to safety concerns.
  • Entertainment Earth released an Infinity Gauntlet mug.
  • Surreal Entertainment produced an Infinity Gauntlet desktop monument.
  • Diamond Select produced an Infinity Gauntlet bottle opener.
  • An Infinity Gauntlet paper weight was produced for the Nerd Block subscription service.
  • Hasbro released an Infinity Gauntlet toy for Avengers: Infinity War as part of their Marvel Legends line of role-play accessories. The Stark Gauntlet from the sequel was also released.
  • Hasbro also produced a cheaper Infinity Gauntlet aimed at a younger demographic.
  • Hot Toys produced an ultra-detailed Infinity Gauntlet toy for Avengers: Infinity War. A cheaper, smaller version was also produced by the company.
  • Beast Kingdom produced an Infinity Gauntlet replica for the movie.

Video Games

Marvel Super Heroes
Marvel Super Heroes
  • The Infinity Gauntlet is featured in the fighting game Marvel Super Heroes, where it is wielded by Thanos. The game itself is a loose adaptation of the original Infinity Gauntlet mini-series.
  • The Infinity Gauntlet is also featured in Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems.
  • Thanos wields the Infinity Gauntlet in Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes.
  • The Infinity Gauntlet is featured in Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet.


December 1990

January 1991

April 1991

May 1991

July 1991

August 1991

September 1991

October 1991

November 1991

December 1991

February 1992

July 1992

September 1992

October 1992

November 1992

January 1993

May 1993

July 1993
