
Blue Flame Gem

Blue Flame Gem

Made of a magic blue flame and feeded by the hate for the Flash, the Cobalt Blue Gem is the source of powers of Malcolm Thawne and the Cobalt Blue dinasty.

Blue Flame Gem
Start year:
First issue:

After Malcolm thawne discovered his connection to Flash/Barry Allen, he felt cheated for the life. Filled with age towards Allen and towrds his own family, he searched help in his adopted grandmother, who saw in him what she found lacked in her own blood. By magical rituals, she and Malcolm encased all the power of the blue flame, a magic used by the Thawne family into a cold blu gem, feed by the hate of Malcolm himself towards the Flash. Using the power of the gem Malcolm would fight against the Flash in his demential search for retribution.

The hate of Malcolm for Allen would be pass to the next generations and for centuries the Thawnes would use the power of the gem to fight against the Allens. The final gambit of the Thawnes would put existance itself at risk but the quick action of Wally West would defeat the power of the hate accumulated in the gem by giving to Malcolm what he wanted most, by pushing him to the Speedforce field.


November 1997

December 1998

January 1999

February 1999

March 1999

April 1999

May 1999

June 1999

July 1999

August 2023
