
Black Knight's Atomic Steed

Black Knight's Atomic Steed

A means of transport used by Black Knight and adapted from one created by Knights of Wundagore.

Black Knight's Atomic Steed
Start year:
Black Knight on the steed
Black Knight on the steed

The atomic steeds were original developed by the High Evolutionary to be ridden by the Knights of Wundagore. During a battle between the Avengers and Cthon, the mutant hero Beast happened upon the skeletal remains of one of the Knights of Wundagore, and soon found its atomic steed buried in the snow. Using the deceased knight's armor and steed, Beast was able to help the Avengers defeat the elder god Cthon. The Avengers brought the steed back with them to Avengers Mansion, where the device was placed in storage for quite a while. Some time later, it was eventually found by Black Knight, who used it during the team's battle with Nebula. Black Knight would continue to use the atomic steed for many years, using it as a replacement for Aragorn, his winged horse.

Hawkeye atop his Atomic Steed
Hawkeye atop his Atomic Steed

After Black Knight left the team so that he and Sersi could travel to the Ultraverse, the atomic steed fell into disuse. It was eventually rendered obsolete entirely when the Black Knight returned to the mainstream Marvel Universe, and was given a new flying horse by the name of Strider. Despite this, the atomic steed was taken out of storage to be used by the new Swordsman, who'd allied himself with the Avengers during Black Knight's absence. Hawkeye later brought the steed out of storage once more as part of his plan to impersonate Dreadknight. He would continue to use the vehicle during his tenure as the leader of the Thunderbolts. Years later, Black Knight briefly used his atomic steed once more, only for it to be destroyed by Inferno of the Exemplars.

In Other Media


Marvel Legends
Marvel Legends
  • The Marvel Legends Hawkeye figure from ToyBiz came packaged with the Black Knight's Atomic Steed as an accessory and a display stand, mirroring Hawkeye's use of the vehicle in the comics at the time.


September 1979

October 1985

September 1986

October 1986

July 1988

October 1990

April 1991

January 2020

September 2021
