
Triton Base

Triton Base

An underwater scientific research base. It is the place where the Creature King is created.

Triton Base
Start year:
First issue:


Located in the North Atlantic, this undersea base was supposed to be a strategic underwater research enclave. Because of this, Dr. Stephen Shin returned to his origins and embarked on this new project. The intentions of the installation were to discover the underwater secrets that exist on the planet but, secretly, what its leader wanted was to use Dr. Shin's knowledge about Atlantis to use it in his own interest.

Because of this, the Triton Base is responsible for waking up Karaqan and launching it against the populations of Iceland. In addition it establishes a belligerent attitude against Atlantis and the authority of the city state. When a diver is sent unaided, he is seriously injured, and consequently loses his limbs. Because of this, some of their scientists carry out experiments with the remains of Karaqan and other underwater species that inoculate the wounded man, turning him into the Creature King. As a consequence, the Creature King attacked all the people in the base, killing many of them and leaving the facility unused.


February 2014

March 2014

April 2014

July 2014

August 2014
