
Tomb of the First King

Tomb of the First King

The place where the powerful objects created by Atlan, the first king of Atlantis, rested.

Tomb of the First King
Start year:


This place is where the relics of the First King of Atlantis, Atlan, were found. It was considered to be his grave and his resting place. But the knowledge about said place had been lost.

Vulko finds a map that he hands over to Aquaman to claim the King Atlan's Trident, and thus hold power in Atlantis. In his search for this place he meets with The Others, who help him locate this place. Because of this, each of The Others becomes the guardian of each of the objects individually. In the tomb were the Trident of Neptune, the Atlantean Helmet, the Atlantean Key, the Atlan's Scepter, the Globe of Transportation, the Manacles of Force, the Power Glove, and the Seal of Clarity.

During the reunion of Aquaman with The Others, and after the murder of Kahina the Seer, Black Manta obtains two of the Atlantean relics, and forcing Dr. Shin to help him reveals the location of the Atlan's Scepter inside the tomb. Aquaman confronts his arch enemy in this place and Manta uses the Scepter to destroy the entire island where this tomb was located.


September 2012

October 2012

December 2012
