
The Bleed

The Bleed

The interdimensional "buffer zone" between universes.

The Bleed
Start year:

The universe is a big place. But not nearly as big as the multiverse. By some accounts, there are as many Earths as there are atoms in the planet Earth. In a less organized multiverse, these universes would be falling all over each other, but in the Wildstorm multiverse, each Earth is secure within The Bleed. Reasonably secure, anyway.

As perceived by humans, The Bleed is a red, swirling maelstrom, and the image is apt. The Bleed is not a pleasant place, and not safe for the average traveler. There are entities living in The Bleed what hate and despise the billions of Earths. Every human incursion in The Bleed has repercussions and echoes, so traveling there without a specially designed Bleed Ship is not a good idea.

There are two Bleed Ships currently known. One is The Carrier, which is operated by The Authority. The other is operated by Jim Wilder and metahuman descendants of Science City Zero. Thanks to Kherubim Technology, some Kherubim ships are able to travel The Bleed also. These ships aren't built just for The Bleed though, that is more of a secondary function. These ships can enter and leave The Bleed at will, moving between universes.

In 1945, a group of adventurers led by Dr. Axel Brass built a computer capable of mapping the multiverse, which allowed for a Bleed incursion. All of Brass' teammates died closing the rift. Nearly sixty years later, a disgruntled employee of *Planetary* opened a second rift, nearly overrunning the Earth with self-replicating destroyer robots. They were stopped by Planetary and The Authority.

Since the combining of the WSU and the DCU, Wildstorm Earth has become one of the 52 Earths in the multiverse but the exact nature of the Bleed (and worlds seen through it) is unknown. According to the Guardians Of The Universe, the Bleed lies beyond the Source Wall, but no other information was given.


August 1963

August 1994

May 1998

June 1998

July 1998

September 1998

July 1999

August 1999

December 1999

June 2000

August 2000

September 2000

November 2000

February 2001

March 2001

June 2001

August 2001

September 2001

October 2001

November 2001

January 2002

April 2002

July 2002

September 2002

October 2002

May 2003

February 2004

April 2004
