
Land Within

Land Within

A place in hell.

Cat People were banished to Hell, there they built their new homes. In time Hell transformed Cat People into demons. They continued to evolve here; they even created artificial sun that shines in their sky to warm them. In nature Cat People are a peaceful race, they have no wars there. They even have no thefts or killings, it's a perfect society. They have laws and only two of them are punishable by death: one is when a Cat People brings an outsider to Land Within, the second is when Balkatar fails to carry out his summoner's orders. This land was ruled by King Gerark for a long time, but recently Tabur overthrew him. Cat People in Land Within worship Belasco, although he was one of magicians who banished them there long ago.


June 1974

July 1974

March 1986

April 1986

June 1986

December 1986

May 1988

June 1988

October 1988
