


The distant home-world of the Heroes of Lallor.

Start year:
First issue:
Batman Nembo Kid (1965) #62


Lallor is a planet within the 30th-31st century in which the Legion of Super-Heroes timeline exists. its first appearance was in the pages of Adventure Comics #324, September 1964.


Original Continuity: New Earth

The distant planet of Lallor
The distant planet of Lallor

The origins of the planet Lallor start with the hero Mon-el who seeded various worlds as Buffer Planets after the Dominators first invaded earth. Lallor would be settled between Dominion and earth space, distant enough from each other to prevent any future attacks.

Centuries later an accidental atomic explosion occurred on Lallor during the middle of the 30th century. this explosion affected the genetic makeup of five couples who lived nearby to the accident. Having they're genes mutated the women would give birth to five children at almost simultaneously. These superpowered children would grow up up to become the premier protectors of Lallor, the Heroes of Lallor.

5-Year Gap/Five Years Later

5-Years Later
5-Years Later

During this alternate timeline called the 5-Yaer Gap, the planet Lallor would fall into the hands of of the Khunds empire. Shortly after the fall of the United Planets "Great Collapse" the planet Lallor would easily fall to the Khund forces.

A member of the once heralded Heroes of Lallor would join and become Colonel in the United Resistance Militia. All of her fellow comrades fell under the mind control and than drafted into the Khund armies. Lallor would also be the battlegrounds to battles between the Legion, the former Heroes of Lallor, and Khund forces. Lallor lay in devastation during the various occupations.

RetroBoot: Earth-247

Earth-247 universe Lallor makes a brief appearance when the current Heroes of Lallor are featured discussing if they should leave the planet to assist the Legionnaires against the threat of Mordu. The members on Lallor at the time shown are Gas Girl, Beast Boy, and Splinter.

Threeboot: Earth-Prime

In the next Legion timeline reboot, also known as the "Threeboot", is the designated Earth-Prime Universe. The Legion of Earth-Prime has visited its Lallor on more than one occasion. Here, Lallor is a world at civil war over the prospect of joining the United Planets. The Legion's first trip to Lallor was a self-directed mission to squash a rebellion against the United Planets' objections.

Location Details

Universe: Pre-Zero Hour, Post-Zero Hour, Earth-Prime

Galaxy: Milky Way

Star System: United Planets

Planet: Lallor

Province: United Planets

Race: Lallorians

Notable Citizens of Lallor

Heroes of Lallor
Heroes of Lallor

Heroes of Lallor: The Heroes of Lallor are the premier heroes of the planet Lallor, all being born with special abilities at the exact same time. the team consisted of its leader Evolvo Lad, powerhouse Duplicate Boy, mistress of animation Life Lass, ethereal transforming Gas Girl, and the ill fated Beast Boy who could turn into animals.

Arm-Fall-Off-Boy: One time tryout for Legion membership. Later would attempt to tryout for the Legion of Substitute Heroes. With breakaway, regenerating arms which he used as clubs.


December 1965

October 1969

July 1984

November 1984

July 1989
