
Graveyard of Gods

Graveyard of Gods

The destination for all those deities who perish or lose their power.

Graveyard of Gods
  • The Graveyard of the Gods
Start year:


The destination for all those deities who perish or lose their power. In this place they live until they can regain their power. This place feeds on the negative energy produced by deaths and murders. This place is linked to the power of the Totality and the seven hidden forces linked to it. The Blood Reef is linked to this place. Like the ancient Greek Underworld, this place too is guarded by a guardian: Trigris, a three-headed feline.

In the Drowned Earth story arc, it is the place where the Triumvirate of Sea Gods inhabited because of the betrayal they suffered at the hands of Poseidon. After his death, the Triumvirate was able to escape from there and move to Blood Reef, while Poseidon stayed in the Graveyard of Gods.

This is where Aquaman and Wonder Woman arrive in order to meet the god of the seas and request his help to see the Triumvirate. Because of this, Poseidon grants his power and trident to Aquaman in order to solve this situation.


December 2018

January 2019

September 2021
