


A mall planet controlled by King Macha and the Unkshuss family.

Start year:

Major Story Arcs

Moonshadow first arrives on Gimmegimme when he is looking for a funeral home for his mother. Gimmegimme is a mall world, covered with and consumed by consumerism. Anything can be bought or sold there. It is ruled by King Macha, ruler of the Machovian empire, and Queen Dibbich. However, the Unkshuss family actually controls things through blackmail and corruption. In fact, it was built and owned by Pobidiah Unkshuss, leader of the family.

Moon goes to Jobidiah Unkshuss's Funeral Palace, but the funeral turns into chaos and he is forced into the Jobidiah Unkshuss Home for Miscreants and Madmen. It turns out that the Unkshusss forced King Macha to live there for a while as well. Moon is eventually released and works for some months on Gimmegimme doing menial labor. His friend Ira persuades him to rob the Pobidiah Unkshuss Home for Oddities and Antiquities, but he is caught. He and Ira are forced into the army and leave to fight on other planets.

After becoming heroes, Moon and Ira are brought back to Gimmegimme to become nannies to the (now released) King and Queen. His life with them is happy, but there he meets the oligarch Jobidiah again, as well as his father Pobidiah, who in addition to owning everything is also essentially the pope of the empire. They force Moon out onto the streets. However Moon's friend, Lord Gaylord, has engineered a peace between the Machovian empire and its enemy, the Goyimians (a war started due to greed over the profits of Gimmegimme), and there is celebration across the planet. Moon and Gaylord leave Gimmegimme.

However, some time later Moon and Ira are captured by the Unkshusses again and put in a dungeon. They escape and defeat the Unkshusses, and King Macha and Queen Dibbich finally truly take back control of the kingdom and planet.


May 1985

July 1985

January 1986

April 1986

June 1986

January 1987

February 1987

October 1994

November 1994

February 1995

March 1995

April 1995

July 1995

August 1995
