


Translating into "The Temple of Women" this Middle-Eastern city-state is the secluded home of a splinter group of militant Amazons named after the place they reside.

Start year:


Original Bana-Mighdall

The Amazons of Bana-Mighdall long ago broke away from those living on Themiscyra. They chose to reside in the town of Bana-Mighdall. During the Perez run on the Wonder Woman title, in order to visit Themiscyra, it was necessary to pass through an electrical storm, and correspondingly for Bana-Mighdall it was necessary to pass through a sandstorm. The town has more influence from Egyptian or Middle Eastern elements in its architectural design.

As the town hosts a more militaristic group of Amazons, in comparison to Themiscyra there a much stronger focus on security and military power including a much more bigger prison and weapons factories. As this branch of the Amazons lost its immortality by leaving Paradise Island it is necessary to recruit men to father children, which occurs in birthing centers.

During a battle between Shim'Tar and Wonder Woman, the city was destroyed despite appeals to Shim'Tar that her actions were on the verge of tearing the city apart.

New Bana-Mighdall

After Themyscira was put back into place the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall were offered the most desolate section of the island to live upon by Queen Hippolyta as thanks for their aid against the demons.[7] A section of the Banas who still held animosity toward Hippolyta and her Amazons refused and returned to Man's World, becoming a splintered tribe.[8] The Banas that agreed to live among the Themyscirian Amazons agreed and created their own city. They christened the city Bana-Mighdall in honor of their former city in Egypt. Unfortunately, civil war broke out between the two groups of Amazons due to their animosities.[9] The Amazon Artemis took up the title of Shim'Tar and joined Wonder Woman in guiding both tribes to peaceful negotiations. Queen Hippolyta and Princess Diana eventually renounced their crowns, thus ending the war and leaving the island without a structured government.[10] It was later decided that General Philippus of the Themysciran Royal Guard and Artemis would be co-rulers of the island, under the titles of Supreme Grand Chancellors.[11]

During the Our Worlds At War event, the island of Themyscira was destroyed and both Amazon cities no longer existed. Wanting to put past angers aside, Artemis and Philippus put a stop to tribal separation by having one city re-built on the remains of the islands for both peoples to live in, thus unifying the tribes

The island continues to be reconstructed after each attack Man's World inflicts on the Amazons. Despite this the Themyscirian and Bana-Mighdallian Amazons continue to meld both cultures together into one city for both tribes to live in.

Bana Mighdall: Rebirth

During DC Rebirth, The story of Bana-Mighdall is altered. Due to unknown circumstances, the Amazons that would become the Bana had a falling out with Hippolyta, Queen of Themyscira. They chose to leave their island home to find a new one. After a long journey, they eventually chose to settle in the Middle East, specifically the place that would be modern-day Qurac. Seeking protecctions, they called upon the Egyptian gods for sanctuary. They managed to reach an agreement, but the price, though unknown, was steep. After a hard trek, they traveled to the site where they would build Bana-Mighdall.

However, over the centuries, their once great became dilapidated as the gods slowly began forsaking the city. Also, the Quraci military was out to destroy them on the claim that Bana-Mighdall was built on their ancestral territory. To top it off, the gods refused to select a Shim'Tar. However, Artemis dreamed of being the new Shim'Tar, and worked hard to earn the chance. However, her best friend Akila was chosen instead. Later, Akila was given the Bow of Ra as a tool to defend her home. However, when the Quraci found the city, Akila used the bow to destroy the attacker, but the raw power drove her mad, and her use of the Bow devastated the city and killed many of her own sisters. Artemis, who had been in a self-imposed exile, noticed the burning city and saw what Akila had done. At the same time, Diana of Themyscira was called to end the conflict. Seeing a serious problem, the Artemis and Diana teamed up and killed Akila before she could do more harm. Bana-Mighdall became a wasteland and Artemis left home to find the missing Bow of Ra.

While Artemis was tracking the Bow down, it was sold to Qurac's latest dictator, ho wanted to weaponize the Bow. When his efforts bore no fruit, he disturbed Akila's grave and used some of her cells to try to tame the Bow's power. While the Bow activated, it's power brought Akila back to life. After escaping and taking the Bow, she gathered a new generation of Bana Amazons and rebuilt Bana-Mighdall.

Tournament of the Crown

If an Amazon wishes to replace the existing seated Queen of Bana-Mighdall she can call for a Tournament of the Crown. When this happens the Queen and the challenger must duel in a life or death battle. In one case a herald named Faruka was used to announce the challenge between regent queen Nehebka and Shim'Tar.

Royal Death

It is custom for the Bana-Mighdallian queen (upon her death) to have her head severed, preserved and then placed upon a spike. The spike is then placed in a tomb of the dead which contains the perfectly preserved heads of all previous queens throughout the centuries. All of the heads are then pointed to look in the same eastern direction with their eyes opened wide to stand vigil over their souls beyond the gates of the after life.


April 1989

May 1989

June 1989

August 1989

September 1989

October 1989

April 1997

May 2002

October 2007

November 2018

July 2021

May 2024
