
100 Bullets #86 (of 100)

Rain in Vain
January 31st, 2008
86 (of 100)
Rain in Vain
Cover date:
January 31st, 2008
Store date:
November 14th, 2007

In the aftermath of the latest shocking events, one thing becomes crystal clear to Minuteman Victor Ray: He's in this alone. And for keeps. Which is exactly how he likes it.

Another busy day for the minuteman Vic, who after doing some of his usual trusty work for Graves, decides to do a little job on the side. Having barely the time to mourn the death of on of their own, two more heads of the Trust fall. They are soon joined by a couple of vile child kidnappers turned killers when Vic set's out to return a stolen child to his parents.

Characters in issue

Died in this issue

Concepts in issue

Locations in issue


Teams in issue

Characters first appearance