
Marvel Graphic Novel #4 (of 38)

The New Mutants: Renewal
October 1st, 1982

Marvel Graphic Novel #4 (of 38)

The New Mutants: Renewal
October 1st, 1982

4 (of 38)
The New Mutants: Renewal
Cover date:
October 1st, 1982
Store date:

An origin story of five young mutants who are just starting to learn about their powers.  All of them have a tragic past.  Wolfsbane is hunted and shot while fleeing Reverend Craig but is fortunately save by Moria MacTaggert.  Roberto turn into Sunspot when he is attacked by a racist during a soccer game.  Cannonball discovers his powers when a mine collapses on him and Moonstar's grandfather, Black Eagle is killed by the Hellfire Club.
Much later back at Charles Xavior's school Wolfsbane and Karma are taken in by the school and Xavior gets a letter from Black Eagle about Moonstar's mutant powers.  He lives immediately only to find of Black Eagle is dead.  He does however save Moonstar.  They then go and find Sunspot who they correctly think will be the next target.
When they get to Brazil and find Sunspot he is being forced to give himself up in order to save the life of his kidnapped girlfriend, Juliana Sandoval.  Karma and Moonstar try to help but Juliana dies saving Sunspot's life.  The four young mutants then go to Donald Pierce who has been behind all the murders and who has also recently kidnapped Xavier and tricked Cannonball into working for him.
The battle ensues but the young mutants are victorious and even Wolfsbane heals from her severe wounds.  Back at Xavier's school all the New Mutants but Cannonball don their new uniforms.  What they don't know is that Cannonball is just arriving and despite their initial meeting the New Mutants choose to except him as part of the group.

Characters in issue

Died in this issue

Concepts in issue

Locations in issue


Teams in issue

Characters first appearance

Teams first appearance