
Green Goblin #11 (of 13)

Angel On The Loose!
August 31st, 1996

Green Goblin #11 (of 13)

Angel On The Loose!
August 31st, 1996

11 (of 13)
Angel On The Loose!
Cover date:
August 31st, 1996
Store date:

Angel Face has escaped, and she wants revenge on the Green Goblin! So why is she heading straight to the Daily Bugle?

GG has just landed a heap of cash from outwitting Arcade! Now he's going to paint the town green with his dough...but not if Angel Face has her way. She's escaped from prison and wants the Green Goblin in the worst way. Where does she go? Straight to Ben Urich and his interloping son, Phil!


That weirdo chick Angel Face has booked from prison, and is on the rampage for the Green Goblin. Phil window-shops, and buys a very Peter Parker looking suit, to ask Lynn Walsh out. but all she's interested in is Phil's Uncle's files on the Goblin for Ken Ellis! But when Phil tells his Uncle, Ben happily drops the file off at Ellis' desk. Dejected, he walks out of the Bugle, only to have a bag thrown over his head!

When the lights come back on, Phil is tied up in a chair, and in the midst of Angel Face's gang. She wants the Goblin-file, but he tells her that Ken and Lynn have it, so she kidnaps them too. Angel Face, for some reason, is gathering some of the toughest thugs in New York together, and it has something to do with GG. Phil summons his glider, jumps out the window, and escapes the femme fatales. It's a quick jet up to the roof and a quick-change and the Green Goblin goes into action.

He thumps the asemblage of crooks, and chases Angel Face, who has also kidnapped Lynn Walsh and taken off down into the sewers. The Goblin fakes her out by sending his glider ahead of him, so Angel has something to shoot at while he takes her out. He save Lynn, gets kissed by the girl, and makes the day!

End with Phil listening to Lynn and Meredith in the newsroom, and Phil gets up the courage to ask Meredith out!

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