
Trials of Shazam #2 (of 12)

November 30th, 2006
2 (of 12)
Cover date:
November 30th, 2006
Store date:

Enter Freddie Freeman-left powerless by the events of DAY OF JUDGMENT and BRAVE NEW WORLD-who finds his life outside of being Captain Marvel Junior in even worse shape. The good news: Freddie is given the opportunity to regain his abilities…if he can pass a few tests administered by the gods themselves. The bad news is he has to earn each and every ability from scratch!

Freddy Freeman (formerly known as Captain Marvel, Jr.) speaks to his apparent girlfriend Shareena on the phone before arriving at the hospital, where he visits the severely injured, comatose Mary Batson (formerly Mary Marvel). When lamenting to Mary about recent events concerning magical madness, he disappears from the hospital in a lightning bolt when he happens to utter the name "Shazam" in a sentence.

Finding himself at the Rock of Eternity, Freddy discovers how Billy (formerly Captain Marvel) has become the new wizard in Shazam's place, now simply referred to as 'Marvel'. Marvel explains that when Shazam died, numerous magical entities he had kept at bay were released, but the magic had attempted to correct itself (a process that claimed Freddy's and Mary's powers), and that Freddy stands next in line to become the new acolyte of the power of Shazam. Freddy is to be tested and proved worthy of the power by visiting each of the gods signified by the name 'Shazam', and complete the trials they present. However, if he fails, the power of Shazam will fall onto someone else, who isn't as firmly on the side of good.

Freddy sets out to find his guide, the former necromancer Zareb Babak. When asked by Freddy if they're to go to Mount Olympus, Zareb informs him that they'll be dealing with the Gods of Magic, who while being similarly named and having similar realms of power, are not the same as the Olympian Gods. Freddy then shows Zareb a package apparently meant to be delivered to him, to which Zareb becomes increasingly alarmed about. As the package is dropped to the floor, an Audium Warbeast manifests itself in the room.

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