
Sword of the Atom #4 (of 4)

Book Four: Look Homeward, Atom
December 1st, 1983

Sword of the Atom #4 (of 4)

Book Four: Look Homeward, Atom
December 1st, 1983

4 (of 4)
Book Four: Look Homeward, Atom
Cover date:
December 1st, 1983
Store date:

Ray Palmer has found a new purpose as the Atom, leader of a band of alien rebels in a war against their mighty oppressors. If he should prove victorious, will he stay in this new world he has discovered, or will he return to the life and betrayal he had left behind?

The Death of Deraegis
The Death of Deraegis

Atom, Voss and Laethwen have their attack on Morlaidn even though they find the spy in their midst and found out that he has told Deraegis of their plans to attack the city. Deraegis kills King Caellich and tries to take over the city but is stopped by Voss, while Atom saves the people of Morlaidn from Deraegis' deadly plot.

When Atom is done saving the city he has grown to his normal height with no way to shrink back. He ends up being rescued and placed in a hospital. While there he keeps demanding to be referred to as Atom instead of his real name.

Jean Loring also finds him but he refuses to see her. Fade to black.

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