
Green Lantern #25 (of 67)

Sinestro Corps War Part 11: Birth of the Black Lantern
January 1st, 2008
25 (of 67)
Sinestro Corps War Part 11: Birth of the Black Lantern
Cover date:
January 1st, 2008
Store date:
December 12th, 2007

This is it! The most talked-about storyline of the summer, "The Sinestro Corps War," concludes in this double-sized anniversary issue! Why does Sinestro believe he has won? How will Hal Jordan stop his greatest enemy? What is the truth behind the prophecy of "The Blackest Night"? Where will the end results of this battle take the Green Lantern Corps? What is the bizarre fate of the Anti-Monitor? Why has Earth been assigned so many Green Lanterns? Learn all the secrets! Witness all the battles! Prepare yourself for the startling ending of the greatest epic in the history of Green Lantern!

Characters in issue

Died in this issue

Concepts in issue

Locations in issue

Objects in issue


Part of story arcs

Teams in issue

Teams disbanded in issue

Characters first appearance

Concepts first appearance

Locations first appearance

Objects first appearance

Teams first appearance