
Final Crisis Aftermath: Run! #4 (of 6)

Step Four: Kill People & Blow Stuff Up
October 1st, 2009

Final Crisis Aftermath: Run! #4 (of 6)

Step Four: Kill People & Blow Stuff Up
October 1st, 2009

4 (of 6)
Step Four: Kill People & Blow Stuff Up
Cover date:
October 1st, 2009
Store date:
August 5th, 2009
In this issue, someone dies! Actually, in this issue, tons of people die! If you thought RUN! was full of trashy humor and unnecessary violence before this issue – you ain't seen nothing yet! We cause more property damage and hideous disfigurement in the first half of this issue than any other comic you'll read this year (besides RUN! #5 and #6, because those are pretty ridiculous too). Join in the fun!

Characters in issue

Died in this issue

Locations in issue


Part of story arcs

Teams in issue

Teams disbanded in issue

Characters first appearance