
Marvel Multiverse

Marvel Multiverse

This is the collection of realities known in the Marvel universe, known as the Multiverse.

Marvel Multiverse
Start year:

Current events

Thanks to the Beyonders and their mad quest for an enigmatic artifact called "The Last Light", the Multiverse was completely and utterly annihilated via a combination of Universal Incursions and the detonation of the pan-dimensional reality-obliterating living bomb known as the Molecule Man. However, thanks to the efforts put in place by Earth-616's Doctor Doom and Doctor Strange, they were able to save pieces of it from total oblivion and used them to build a new Battleworld, the last and only bastion of hope against annihilation.

The Multiverse

Avengers summoned from an infinite number of divergent timelines by Rick Jones prepare themselves for war.
Avengers summoned from an infinite number of divergent timelines by Rick Jones prepare themselves for war.

The Marvel Multiverse is the collection of separate universes, or realities that all Marvel Comics takes place in. There is possibly an infinite number of different realities, some of which is located outside the Multiverse, but still has an earth-designation. An example of this is Earth-14861, the New Universe. The various realities are always called Earth-[number], despite referring to the whole reality, not just the Earth. It is also, but less frequently, called Reality-[number]. The Multiverse was originally established as being protected by Merlyn, and later by Saturnyne and the [Captain Britain] Corps. There are other beings and groups dealing with protecting the Multiverse, for example the Time Variance Authority, the Exiles and A.R.M.O.R.

Most realities have a Captain Britain designated to protect its version of the British Isles and in extension the reality. These protectors are collectively known as the Corps. New realities are constantly created and often involves time traveling characters as time travel in Marvel comics always creates divergent realities, and it is not possible to alter time or travel back to your own past.


The term Omniverse refers to all Marvel realities as well as every other fictional universe or reality ever created.


The main continuity in which most Marvel storylines take place was designated Earth-616. The term Earth-616 was first used by Alan Moore in his run of the Marvel UK comic Captain Britain. Fans originally thought that the number 616 was a reference of the release date of the first Fantastic Four comic. However Alan Moore when asked about it said that 616 was just a random number of no significance chosen because people always seemed to be talking about 'Earth 2' or 'Earth 4' but never any higher numbers. See here for reference.

Significant storylines and their realities

  • 1602 - Earth-311
  • Age of Apocalypse - Earth-295
  • Days of Future Past - Earth-811
  • Earth X - Earth-9997
  • House of M - Earth-58163
  • Mangaverse - Earth-2301
  • Marvel Zombies - Earth-2149
  • MC2 - Earth-982
  • Mutant X - Earth-1298
  • Ultimate Universe - Earth-1610
  • MAX - Earth-200111

Alternate realities


A.R.M.O.R. gave this designation to a world in which Marvel Comics is a company and all of the other worlds are comic books written by them. This was not an official designation; rather, the world had yet to be catalogued by A.R.M.O.R., so their reality-identifying equipment, lacking a designated number, defaulted to listing it as 0000.

  • First appearance of reality: Marvel Zombies 5 #5


Earth-9 is the reality from which Saturnyne hails, she is important as she is the Omniversal Majestrix and an ally of Captain Britain. Some of her famed counterparts include Courtney Ross (Earth-616) and Sat-Yr-9 (Earth-839).

  • First appearance of reality: Never actually shown
  • First got an Earth designation in: Mighty World of Marvel #13


The home reality of Mimic from Exiles

  • First appearance of reality: Exiles #1
  • First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #83


In this reality Spider-Man kept the powers of Captain Universe and became the most powerful being in the universe.

  • First appearance of reality: Amazing Spider-Man vol.3 #9
  • First got an Earth designation in: Amazing Spider-Man vol.3 #9


The home reality of Spider from Weapon X

  • First appearance of reality: Exiles # 12
  • First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #83


In this reality the Civil War was averted due to Reed Richards creating a machine that removed super powers from everyone.

  • First appearance of reality: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #2


Home reality of Exiles Magnus

  • Inhabitants beside others: Magneto, Rogue,
  • First appearance of reality: Exiles #1
  • First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #83


Home reality of a powerless Fantastic Four who live in the 1950's

  • First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four: Unstable Molecules #1
  • First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of Hazel Donovan

  • First appearance of reality: Startling Stories: The Thing - Night Falls on Yancy Street
  • First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Doom was defeated and lobotomized by a member of the cross-temporal Council of Reeds.

  • First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four #571


Home reality of Brother Brit-Man of the Captain Britain Corps

This is also the home reality of Spider-Gwen.

  • First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #44
  • First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Home of the Cyber-Sidhe.

On Earth-01000101 the universe’s dominant life form evolved from binary computers.

  • First appearance of reality: Incredible Hulk vol.2 #600


Similar to Earth-616, but in contrary to Main Earth, where one "Marvelyear" answers to about 5-6 years in real life, this reality ages appropriately. Milestone for their age is their comicbook debut. Also known as Earth 1961 as reference to the debut year of the Fantastic Four.

Significant inhabitants:

Spider-Man, Captain America (deceased), Daredevil, Dr. Strange, Fantastic Four (Reed Richards, Susan Richards, Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm, Cosmic Ray, Crystal, Franklin Richards, Luna, Zawadi Storm, N'Yami Susan Richards, Alicia Masters), Hulk, Thor, Wolverine, Edwin Jarvis, Gwen Stacy (deceased), Green Goblin (deceased), Frightful Four (Wizard, Blastaar, Quicksand, Hooded Haunt), Dragon Man,

  • First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four Annual 1998
  • First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths entry)


Reality where Reed Richards and Tony Stark develops technology for the private sector

  • First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four: Big Town #1
  • First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of the Challengers of Doom, Dr. Doom, Dr. Richards, Dr. Banner and Dr. (Susan) Storm.

This earth was consumed by Galactus.

  • First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four v.3 #47
  • First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths entry)


A reality in which Wolverine, a female Magneto, a female Quicksilver, a male Scarlet Witch and Mesmero are combined to form a new powerful entity called Brother Mutant. A new team of Exiles consisting of alternate Wolverines was sent here.

  • First appearance of reality: Exiles #85
  • First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #3 (Power Princess' entry)

Earth-148 (Ee'rath)

The reality Kylun was sent to by Widget. Home reality of Necrom, Sa'tneen and Yeoman UK of Captain Britain Corps.

  • First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #1
  • First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Teams 2005 (Excalibur entry)


On this Earth, Hank Pym had an aneurysm two days after the Superhuman Registration Act was passed. The Civil War was averted after Reed Richards helped negotiate a peaceful resolution between pro- and anti- registration heroes.

  • First appearance of reality: Dark Reign: Fantastic 4 #2


Diverged from Earth-616 at some point around X-Men #1-3 (1991).

  • First appearance of reality: X-Men Forever: Alpha


Home reality of Wolverine of Weapon X

  • First appearance of reality: Exiles #83
  • First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #83


Home reality of Daredevil of Weapon X and Patch of the All-Wolverine Exiles team.

  • First appearance of reality: Exiles #62
  • First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #83


Reed Richards kills the other members of the Illuminati at their first meeting.

  • First appearance of reality: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3
  • First got an Earth designation in: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3

Earth-238 (Crooked World)

Home reality of Mad Jim Jaspers, the Fury and Captain UK. This whole reality was destroyed by Lord Mandragon in order to stop the Jaspers Warp from spreading through the Multiverse..

  • First appearance of reality: Marvel Super-Heroes #377
  • First got an Earth designation in: Daredevils #7


In this reality the Earth was destroyed by Qabiri. Home reality of the Protectorate, an union of super-humans.

  • First appearance of reality: X-Man #71
  • First got an Earth designation in: X-Man #72


Everyone except Kang is killed in a nuclear war.

  • First appearance of reality: Avengers v.1 #267
  • First got an Earth designation in:

Earth-295 ( Age of Apocalypse)

Apocalyptic reality where Apocalypse (and later Wolverine) is supreme ruler.

Home reality of Blink and Sabretooth of Exiles as well as X-Man, Dark Beast, Holocaust, Nightcrawler, Prophet and Sugar Man who all escaped to Earth-616. Wild Child of this reality was recruited into Earth- 91172 Quentin Quire's Exiles.

  • First appearance of reality: X-Men Alpha
  • First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men 2005
  • This reality no longer exists as of X-Termination #2. The only survivors being Dark Beast, Prophet and X-Man - all of whom currently reside in 616. The fate of Blink however is unknown.


Home reality of Captain Angleterre of the Captain Britain Corps

  • First appearance of reality: Mighty World of Marvel #13
  • First got an Earth designation in: Mighty World of Marvel #13

Earth-311 (1602)

Captain America of Earth-420 was sent back in time to 1587 causing the timeline to diverge into a new reality, Earth-311.

Home reality of the Fantastick Four and Carlos Javier's Witchbreed

  • First appearance of reality: 1602 #1
  • First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths entry)

Earth-312 (Fantastic Voyage)

The Exiles was sent here to aid the Fantastic Four who were just about to get their powers. Thing became a rampaging monster, but they were able to help him.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #35

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)

Earth-313 (Lemuria)

Home reality of the Lemurians. The Knights of Pendragon and Spider-Man of Earth-616 accidentally sent a nuclear bomb to Earth-313, which destroyed a huge part of Earth. The people sent a group of Warriors to Earth-616 for vengeance, but after learning it was a mistake they allowed the Knights of Pendragon to return to Earth-313 with them to rebuild some of the damage they caused.

First appearance of reality: Knights of Pendragon v.2 #14

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Teams 2005 (Knights of Pendragon entry)


Home realty of Coal Tiger (T'Challa) of the Gatherers

First appearance of reality: Avengers #355

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Gatherers entry)


Home reality of Gambit of Weapon X

First appearance of reality: Exiles #23

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #83

Erroneously numbered Earth-731 in X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files


Home reality of Proctor

First appearance of reality: Avengers #344

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Gatherers entry)

Erroneously numbered Earth-922 in All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #6 (Magdalene entry)


Reality where Morgan Le Fey is queen and the Avengers are her bodyguards, called the Queens Vengeance.

First appearance of reality: Avengers v.3 #2

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Magic carpets are commonplace.

  • First appearance of reality: Wisdom #5


Reality where Purple Man is president of the United States.

Captain America of this reality was sent back in time to 1587 causing the timeline to diverge into a new reality, Earth-311.

First appearance of reality: 1602 #8

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (1602 A.D. entry)

Earth-483/The Territory

Earth-483 is a Wild West universe that is home to the mystical sharp-shooters Hurricane and his Daughter Swift Cloud. Howard the Duck and Aaron Stack from Earth-616 collected samples of the Zombie Virus after it infested this Earth.

  • First appearance of reality: Marvel Zombies 5 #1


Home reality of Weapon X who was recruited into the All-Wolverine Exiles team.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #85

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #85

Earth-522 (The Hub)

Home reality of Captain England of the Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Daredevils #6

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Home reality of Captain Albion of the Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Daredevils #6

First got an Earth designation in: Daredevils #7


The Beyonder remakes the world into one where he is a super-star and a god.

First appearance of reality: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3

First got an Earth designation in: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3


Reality where Star Brand is the global monarch and uses his powers to force international peace.

First appearance of reality: Untold Tales of the New Universe: Star Brand

First got an Earth designation in: Untold Tales of the New Universe: Star Brand


Home reality of a renegade Silver Surfer and a Galactus that restores life to barren planets.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #86

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #87


Reality where the New Universe relaunch (newuniversal) takes place.

First appearance of reality: newuniversal #1

First got an Earth designation in:


In this reality the Nazis won World War II. Home reality of Hauptmann Englande of the Corps and Lightning Force, a nazi version of Excalibur.

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #9

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Reality where Deadpool is possessed by a symbiote.

First appearance of reality: What If? Iron Man: Demon in an Armor (2011)


The main Marvel reality

First appearance of reality: Marvel Comics #1

First got an Earth designation in: Daredevils #7


Reality where Nightmare rules the world

First appearance of reality: Doc Samson #4

First got an Earth designation in: Doc Samson #5


Home reality of Mesmero of Weapon X

First appearance of reality: Exiles #83

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)

Earth-665 (Marble Earth)

Home reality of Forbush Man

First appearance of reality: Not Brand Echh #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Larval Earth entry)


Home reality of the Supernaturals and the Avengers of the Undead.

  • First appearance of reality: Supernaturals #1


Scarlet Centurion uses the Avengers as pawns. He is defeated by Earth-616 Avengers

First appearance of reality: Avengers Annual #2

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Scarlet Centurion entry)


Earth-691 Guardians of the Galaxy
Earth-691 Guardians of the Galaxy

Home reality of Killraven, Korvac and Guardians of the Galaxy.

First appearance of reality: Marvel Super-Heroes V.2 #18

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)

Often referred to as the War of the Worlds reality, Earth-691 branched off from the standard 616 reality towards the turn of the 21st century. At that time, Martians invaded the Earth and won, killing most of Earth's heroes. The Earth in shambles, the entire Solar System would be invaded and taken over by the Badoon in the 31st century, wiping out nearly all those living on Earth's colonies.

The Guardians of the Galaxy would form and eventually expel the Badoon from Earth, giving those left behind a chance to rebuild human civilization. Due to it's close history and definitive separation point, the Earth-691 reality expands on many popular characters and events with standard Marvel continuity.


Home reality of Cassandra Locke

First appearance of reality: Marvel: The Lost Generation #8

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)

Earth-712 (Earth-S)

Home reality of the Squadron Supreme.

First appearance of reality: Avengers v.1 #85

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of Angel of Weapon X

First appearance of reality: Exiles #23

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #83

Earth-715 (Femizonia)

Matriarchal reality, 90% of earth's men are killed. home reality of Thundra

First appearance of reality: Savage Tales v.1 #1

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where the 2005 What If's takes place.

In this reality Thor is a herald of Galactus, the Fantastic Four are russian, Captain America was active during the civil war, Namor was raised by Humans, Daredevil is Japanese and Wolverine lived in Chicago.

First appearance of reality: What If: Captain America

First got an Earth designation in: An interview at


In this reality almost nobody has powers. Residents used to travel to Earth-616, which they call Earth-B, where they gain the same powers as their Earth-616 counterparts.

Here, only Ben Grimm and Reed Richards were aboard the spaceship, that originally gave the Fantastic Four their powers. As a result, Reed turned into a stone creature while Ben got stretching powers and married Susan Storm. Her brother Johnny was reported dead in Vietnam, but turned up alive as the hero Gaard; later on Vangaard.

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four v.1 #118

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths entry)


Home reality of a Star Brand that uses his power to create music

First appearance of reality: Untold Tales of the New Universe: Star Brand

First got an Earth designation in: Untold Tales of the New Universe: Star Brand


Home reality of Gambit from Exile's Weapon X.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #23


Home reality of Captain Empire of the Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Mighty World of Marvel #13

First got an Earth designation in: Mighty World of Marvel #13


Home reality of Captain Airstrip-One of the Captain Britain Corps, an Orwellian dictatorship.

First appearance of reality: Daredevils #7

First got an Earth designation in: Daredevils #7


Home reality of Beast of the Exiles

First appearance of reality: Exiles v.2 #1

First got an Earth designation in:


Home reality of the Fantastic Five.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #1

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths entry)


Reality where Bruce Banner, Charles Xavier and Reed Richards are merged and the new entity is called X-Man. The Avengers and Fantastic Four doesn't exist in this reality.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #2

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of the classic Star-Lord stories. Earth-616 Star-Lord first appearance in Thanos #8.

Designated in Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy


Home reality of Sat-Yr9 and Kaptain Briton of the Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Captain Britain v.2 #6

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Home reality of Mystiq of the Exiles

First appearance of reality: Exiles #99

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #99


Dr. Doom fights Mephisto over his mother's soul

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #22

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)

Earth-811 (Days of Future Past)

Reality where most of earth's mutants are killed by Sentinels. Home reality of Rachel Summers and Ahab.

First appearance of reality: X-Men v.1 #141

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of Hercules of the 24th century

First appearance of reality: Hercules v.1 #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Captain UK was reassigned to this reality after the destruction of her home reality Earth-238

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #44

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of Kommandant Englander of the Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Mighty World of Marvel #13

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Home reality of Captain Granbretan of the Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Captain Britain v.2 #13

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7 (Merlyn entry)


Home reality of Hulk of Weapon X

First appearance of reality: Exiles #40

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #83


Home reality of a female Star Brand who becomes the worlds most popular super-hero

First appearance of reality: Untold Tales of the New Universe: Star Brand

First got an Earth designation in: Untold Tales of the New Universe: Star Brand


First appearance of reality: Astonishing X-Men #27

First got an Earth designation in: Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes #1


Reality where Dr. Doom is ruler of the world.

First appearance of reality: X-Men/Doctor Doom: Chaos Engine: Book One

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


An Utopian future.

First appearance of reality: X-Men Millennial Visions 2000

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2 (appendix section)


What if Storm had remained in Asgard?

First appearance of reality: What If..? v. 2 #12

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2 (appendix section)


Reality where Mr. Fantastic was executed during the Trials of Galactus

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #15

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where Silver Surfer is a member of the Fantastic Five

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #22

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where the X-Men won against Krakoa and the All-New X-Men never formed

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #23

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #1 (M'Kraan Crystal entry)


Reality where Namor is a member of the Fantastic Five and also married to Invisible Woman

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #27

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of Captain Commonwealth of the Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Daredevils #7

First got an Earth designation in: Daredevils #7


Home reality of Swordsman (Philip Javert) of the Gatherers who was a member of Avengers of Earth-616

First appearance of reality: Avengers v.1 #343

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Gatherers entry)


Home reality of Cap'n Saxonia of the Captain Britain Corps and Calibur, a version of Excalibur with Cap'n Saxonia, Dr. Strange, Spider-Girl, Hulk and Iron Fist as members.

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #49

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)

Earth-928 (2099)

Reality (initially) taking place in 2099 A.D. Home reality of Spider-Man 2099, Hulk 2099 and X-Men 2099 among others.

First appearance of reality: Spider-Man 2099 #1

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths entry)


Reality where Fantastic Four died before getting powers, Silver Surfer is an Avenger and Uatu sacrifices himself to stop Galactus from consuming Earth.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #41

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of Anti-Vision of the Gatherers, an evil counterpart of Vision

First appearance of reality: Avengers v.1 #362

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Gatherers entry)


Reality where Dr. Doom is Sorcerer Supreme

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #52

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of Jocasta of the Gatherers

First appearance of reality: Avengers v.1 #372

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Gatherers entry)


Home reality of Dark Raider, a version of Reed Richards driven mad from being the sole survivor of Earth since Galactus consumed it, an now wants to kill every counterpart of Reed Richards in the multiverse.

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four v.1 #388

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where Galactus devoured the Earth and Fantastic Four became his heralds.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #70

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


The thief girl Ororo is sought after to join both Xavier's team and Sinister's team.

Inhabitants beside others: Mimic, Marvel Girl, Beast, Angel, Banshee, Professor X, Mr. Sinister, Cyclops, Sabretooth, Havok, Malice (Madeline Pryor), Sauron, Ororo Munroe

First appearance of reality: What If..? v. 2 #74

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2 (appendix section)


What if Blink had lived?

First appearance of reality: What If..? v. 2 #75

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2 (appendix section)


Home reality of Hyperstorm

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four v.1 #414

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reed Richards sent to prison

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #89

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Dr. Doom and Magneto are part of the Illuminati.

First appearance of reality: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3

First got an Earth designation in: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3

Earth-982 (MC2)

Reality set in present time, but mostly everything happened 15 years earlier than in the main reality so the stories follows a new generation of heroes. Home reality of Spider-Girl, A-Next, J2, The Buzz and Wild Thing among others.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #105

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths entry)


What if the X-Men had condemned Gambit to death?

First appearance of reality: What If..? v. 2 #106

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2 (appendix section)


What if Colossus had never joined the X-Men?

First appearance of reality: What If..? v. 2 #110

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2 (appendix section)


Ben Grimm stayed in Liddleville

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #109

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where the United States is ruled by the Red Queen (Jean Grey) of Earth-9575.

First appearance of reality: X-Man #63

First got an Earth designation in: X-Man #68


Home reality of the Special Legion of Machine Avengers Executive

First appearance of reality: NextWave: Agents of HATE #9

First got an Earth designation in: NextWave: Agents of HATE #9


Loki altered reality preventing humans from getting super powers. Home reality of Knorda and Praxis

First appearance of reality: Domination Factor: Fantastic Four #3.5

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of Rogue of the Exiles

First appearance of reality: Exiles #99

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #99


Home reality of She-Hulk of Weapon X

First appearance of reality: Exiles #12

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Home reality of Spider-Man (Playstation 4 video game)

First appearance of reality: Spider-Man PS4 (2018)

First got an Earth designation in: Spider-Man PS4 (2018)


Dr. Killcraven conducts experiments on Goat Skull Island.

  • First appearance of reality: Prelude to the Deadpool Corps #4
  • First got an Earth designation in: Deadpool Corps: Rank and Foul


Home reality of Exiles Morph

First appearance of reality: Exiles #1

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #99


First appearance of reality: This reality was only mentioned, never seen.

First got an Earth designation in: Untold Tales of the New Universe: Star Brand


Home reality of Exiles T-Bird

First appearance of reality: Exiles #1

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #99


Home reality of the Deadpool Kid. This reality is a 19 century Wild West themed reality.

  • First appearance of reality: Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth #7
  • First got an Earth designation in: Deadpool Corps: Rank and Foul


In this reality the Fantastic Four is killed by Susan Storm

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four v.3 #47

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


In this reality the Susan Storm is the queen of Atlantis

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four v.3 #47

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)

Earth-1116 (Atlanterra)

Reality where Atlantis is at war with humanity

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four v.3 #47

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of Panther of the Exiles

First appearance of reality: Exiles v.2 #1

First got an Earth designation in:


Thanos kills all life in this reality

First appearance of reality: Captain Marvel v.5 #11

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #8 (Photon entry)


Reality where Hyperion is the only survivor of Earth. He joined the Heralds in exchange of getting his greatest wish fulfilled - to die

First appearance of reality: Paradise X: Heralds #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Earth X entry, appendix section)


Home reality of the Spider-Girl that joined the Heralds

First appearance of reality: Paradise X: Heralds #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Earth X entry, appendix section)


Reality where the Brute (Reed Richards) is president of the United States.

First appearance of reality: Paradise X: Heralds #1

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Legacy: The 1970s Handbook.


Reality where Satyrnin rules the world. Deathlok and Killraven of the Heralds were sent here on a mission

First appearance of reality: Paradise X: Heralds #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #9 (Sat-Yr9 entry)


Home reality of some obscure Golden Age characters including Zardi the Eternal Man, Gravestone, Amazing Man and Skyrocket Steele

First appearance of reality: Funny Pages #6

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of the Meggan who is a member of Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #15

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Home reality of Bishop, Shard, Trevor Fitzroy, Fixx, Greystone, Mountjoy and Archer.

First appearance of reality: Uncanny X-Men #282

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of Captain Marshall of Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #12

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


The real world.

First appearance of reality: Somewhere between 13-14 billion years ago.

First got an Earth designation in: New Exiles #1


Reality where Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Sol Brodsky, and Florence Steinberg became the Fantastic Four

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #11

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)

Erroneously numbered Earth-2812 in Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four


Home reality of Captain Dash

First appearance of reality: Comedy Comics #9

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of Captain Cymru of Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #24

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Home reality of Strikeforce: Morituri and Maverick of Weapon X

First appearance of reality: Strikeforce: Morituri #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)

Maverick designated same reality in: Exiles #83


Home reality of Kymri of Captain Britain Corps. Lockheed of this reality is also a member.

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #16

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)

Earth-1298 (Mutant X)

Home reality of The Six among others. Bloodstorm of this reality became a member of the Heralds.

First appearance of reality: Mutant X #1

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths entry)


Home reality of Chevalier Bretagne of Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #24

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Home reality of Captain Mexica. The Aztec empire is the dominant force

First appearance of reality: Marvel Zombies 3 #4

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Zombies 3 #4

Earth-1610 (Ultimate Universe)

The Ultimate Universe is one of the biggest alternate realities in terms of publications.

First appearance of reality: Ultimate Spider-Man #1

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths entry)


Home reality of Henry P. Stanton

First appearance of reality: X-Men/Magneto: Chaos Engine

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Reality where an evil Susan Storm is Empress Hydra, the leader of Hydra. The Exiles visited this reality and thwarted her schemes. After this Empress Hydra, Wolverine and Slaymaster somehow escaped the reality seeking revenge.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #91

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #91


Super Hero Civil War was averted due to Tony Stark being absent during the planning stages and Captain America still being frozen in the ocean until after the Initiative was in place.

First appearance of reality: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #2

First got an Earth designation in: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #2


Home reality of Captain Granbretan of Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Captain Britain v.2 #13

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Reality where the Exiles were sent on their first mission

First appearance of reality: Exiles #1

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)

Erroneously numbered as Earth-108 in All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #3 (Power Princess entry)


Home reality of the James Howlett that joined the All-Wolverine Exiles team right after his mutant powers first manifested.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #85

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Home reality of Colossus of Weapon X

First appearance of reality: Exiles #83

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Reality visited by the Exiles.

Inhabitants beside others:

Fantastic Four consisting of Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Girl, Human Torch and She-Hulk

First appearance of reality: none

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)

Earth-1991 (Geshem)

Medieval reality ruled by Queen Rain, a non-powered Wolfsbane.

First appearance of reality: Wolverine: Rahne of Terra

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Cross-temporal council of Reeds killed Galactus.

  • First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four #570


Home reality of Iron Man of Weapon X

First appearance of reality: Exiles #13

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #83


Reality where Spiral ruled the world

First appearance of reality: X-Force: Shatterstar #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #10 (Shatterstar, Spiral entries)


This reality was completely destroyed.

First appearance of reality: X-Man #68

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #9 (Red Queen entry)


Home reality of the Ultimate Universes Bishop and Cable.

First appearance of reality: Ultimate X-Men #75

First got an Earth designation in: Ultimate Secrets (Bishop entry)


Home reality of Exiles Sunfire

First appearance of reality: Exiles #2

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Home reality of the Killraven from the 2001 series. (Not the same as the original Killraven)

First appearance of reality: Killraven v.2 #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Killraven entry)


Home reality of Crusader X of Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #21

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)

Earth-2149 (Marvel Zombies)

Reality where all but a handful of Earth's super-powered individuals has been transformed into zombies.

First appearance of reality: Ultimate Fantastic Four #21

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of Nocturne of the Exiles. In this reality the X-Men are led by the wheel-chair bound Professor W (Wolverine)

First appearance of reality: X-Men: Millennial Visions

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #100


Home reality of Namora of the Exiles

First appearance of reality: Exiles #46

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #83


Reality where Red Skull rules the earth.

First appearance of reality: X-Men & Doctor Doom: Chaos Engine: Part Two

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #4 (Red Skull entry).

Earth-2301 (Marvel Mangaverse)

Reality of manga versions of marvel characters

First appearance of reality: Marvel Mangaverse: New Dawn #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Mangaverse entry)

Erroneously numbered as Earth-23 in Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four.


Both the Exiles and Weapon X teams was sent to this reality to kill David Richards, son of Franklin Richards and Rachel Summers, because he was destined to become a great threat to humanity. This ended with Sabretooth staying in this reality for 20 years trying to raise David to be a good man but ultimately having to kill him anyway.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #12

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Days of Future Past entry)


Home reality of Forge of the Exiles

First appearance of reality: Exiles v.2 #1

First got an Earth designation in:


The Beyonder destroys the world and restarts it with only one man and one woman.

  • First appearance of reality: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3
  • First got an Earth designation in: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3


Reality where the Brood has overtaken the earth and eradicated all life.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #35

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Home reality of Mutant 2099 and Punisher (Cassandra Castle) among others

First appearance of reality: Black Panther 2099 #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (2099 A.D. Marvel Knights entry)


Home reality of Lady Deadpool

First appearance of reality:

Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth


First got an Earth designation in:

Deadpool Corps: Rank and Foul


Home reality of Kane of Weapon X

First appearance of reality: Exiles #83

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Home reality of Firestar of Weapon X

First appearance of reality: Exiles #40

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Reality where Aunt May got Spider-Man's powers

First appearance of reality: What If? v.1 #23

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)

Earth-3131 (AOLon)

Reality where the earth is owned by a company and re-named AOLon. Home reality of The Marvel (KalAOL) and his dog AOLstro.

First appearance of reality: Marville #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #6 (Marvel entry)


Only peaceful solution to Skrull Invasion: total surrender.

First Appearance of reality: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3

First got an Earth designation in: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3


Home reality of Heather Hudson of the Exiles. Blink, Nocturne and T-Bird went to live here after they quit the Exiles.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #33

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #84


Reality where Captain America and Iron Woman (Natasha Stark) married and Hank Pym was in prison.Superhuman Civil War never happened.

First appearance of reality: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #2

First got an Earth designation in: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #2

Earth-3515 (The Reigning)

Reality where Thor is the ruler of the earth. He is no longer worthy of holding Mjolnir. Home reality of Magni.

First appearance of reality: Thor v.2 #35/ 68

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Reigning entry)

Earth-3752 (Monster Planet)

Home reality of Dr. Curt Connors Science Squad

First appearance of reality: Exiles #66

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #67


Home reality of a murderous Captain Britain

First appearance of reality: ?

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Corps entry)


Reality where the Avengers are vampires.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #31

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Home reality of King Hyperion. All life on earth eradicated except him.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #63

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of Breeze Barton

First appearance of reality: Daring Mystery Comics #3

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of Space Rangers and Black Hawk

First appearance of reality: Mystic Comics #2

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of Centurion Britannus of Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #24

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Home reality of Exiles Magik

First appearance of reality: Exiles #22

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #83


Home reality of Captain Daring

First appearance of reality: Daring Mystery Comics #8

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005


Reality where the Celestials attacked Reed Richards

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four #570

First got an Earth designation in: Fantastic Four #571

Earth-4321 (Marvel: The End)

Reality where Thanos aquires the Heart of the Universe and absorbs everything in the entire reality into himself, then sacrifices himself to restore the universe. Home reality of Akhenaten.

First appearance of reality: Marvel Universe: The End #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #1 (Akhenaten entry)


Reality where the Exiles battled Weapon X to death and many of Earth-4400's heroes got killed in the process. Nighthawk of this reality was recruited into Earth- 91172 Quentin Quire's Exiles.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #43

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Fantastic Five entry, appendix section)


Home reality of Ms. Marvel of Weapon X

First appearance of reality: Exiles #38

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #83


Home reality of Madam Sussex (Francesca Lexley Grace) of Captain Britain Corps.

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #44

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2


Reality destroyed by the World Ripper of Earth-4872

First appearance of reality: X-Men/Magneto: Chaos Engine: Book Two

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Reality destroyed by Merlin for being too dangerous to adjacent realities

First appearance of reality: X-Men/Magneto: Chaos Engine: Book Two

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Reality destroyed by the World Ripper of Earth-4872

First appearance of reality: X-Men/Magneto: Chaos Engine: Book Two

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of Major Commonwealth of Captain Britain Corps.

First appearance of reality: Mighty World Of Marvel v.2 #13

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2

Earth-4935 (Askani Earth)

Reality where Apocalypse rules the earth. Cable grew up here. Home reality of Stryfe, Mother Askani (Rachel Summers), Ch'Vayre and Blaquesmith.

First appearance of reality: X-Factor v.1 #67

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Askani World entry)


Home reality of Iron Maniac, an evil Tony Stark who traveled to Earth-616 and killed young hero Freedom Ring

First appearance of reality: Marvel Team-up v.3 #2

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #1 (Freedom Ring entry)


Home reality of Deadpool of Weapon X

First appearance of reality: Exiles #5

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Home reality of Jet Dixon among others

First appearance of reality: Space Squadron #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Reality where Roma is worshiped as a goddess

First appearance of reality: X-Men/Red Skull: Chaos Engine: Book Three

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Reality where Earth is ruled by Dr. Doom

First appearance of reality: Marvel Knights: 4 #16

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)

Earth-5311 (Kitty's Fairy Tale)

Home reality of Lockheed and the Bamfs.

First appearance of reality: Uncanny X-Men #153

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Kitty's Fairy Tale entry)


Home reality of Speed Carter among others

First appearance of reality: Spaceman Speed Carter #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of The Big M. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants reforms and becomes X-Men.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #50

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Home reality of Whirlwind Carter

First appearance of reality: Daring Mystery Comics #4

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


The Illuminati unleashed Phoenix Force on Skrull homeplanet. After that Reed Richards was forced to destroy the Phoenix host.

First appearance of reality: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3

First got an Earth designation in: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3


Home reality of Death's Head and Dragon's Claws

First appearance of reality: Dragon's Claws #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (8162 A.D. entry)

This reality was numbered Earth-8162 in the original Dragon's Claws series but that referred to the year, rather than the reality designation.


Merlyn tracked Catavolcus to this reality and battled him with the help of the Doctor.

First appearance of reality: Doctor Who Monthly #60

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7 (Merlyn entry)


Home reality of the Marvel Age/Marvel Adventures version of Power Pack

First appearance of reality: Power Pack #1 (2005)

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #10 (Snarks entry)


Reality where the Skrulls conquered earth and held all super-powered individuals of earth captive and pitted them against each other in gladiator-like battles. The Skrulls all left earth when Galactus arrived to consume it, but the gladiators and the Exiles managed to drive him away.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #8

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Reality similar to Earth-811 ( Days of Future Past).

Inhabitants beside others: Mimic, Sabretooth, Blob, Avalanche, Scalphunter, Caliban, Avengers, Magneto, X-Men, Sentinels

First appearance of reality: Weapon X: Days of Future Now #2

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Days of Future Past entry)


Reality where Cable, Spider-Man, Archangel and Blob are horsemen of Apocalypse

First appearance of reality: Cable & Deadpool #15

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of one of the two Hyperions Beak recruited to help the Exiles battle King Hyperion

First appearance of reality: Exiles #64

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Home reality of the Southpaw that helped She-Hulk in her Time Variance Authority trial

First appearance of reality: She-Hulk v.2 #3

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #10 (Southpaw entry)


Home reality of Chronok

First appearance of reality: Marvel Team-Up v.3 #15

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #5 (Gravity entry)


First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four/Iron Man: Big in Japan #4

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #2 (Apocalypse Beast entry)


Reality where Aunt May died and Uncle Ben raised Peter Parker

First appearance of reality: Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #7

First got an Earth designation in: Spider-Man: Back in Black Handbook (Hobgoblin 2211 entry)


Reality where alien insects devours all life on earth

First appearance of reality: Ms. Marvel v.2 #5

First got an Earth designation in: Mystic Arcana: The Book of Marvel Magic (Warren Traveler entry).


Home reality of Shadow-X, an evil version of the X-Men led by an evil Professor X

First appearance of reality: New Excalibur #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #9 (Shadow King entry)


Home reality of the Zombie Wolverine that was recruited into the All-Wolverine Exiles team

First appearance of reality: Exiles #85

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Zombies: The Book of Angels, Demons & Various Monstrosities (Marvel Zombies entry)


Home reality of Captain Wales of Captain Britain Corps.

First appearance of reality: X-Men/Red Skull: Chaos Engine: Book Three

First got an Earth designation in:


Home reality of the League of Losers.

First appearance of reality: Marvel Team-Up v.3 #15

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #5 (Gravity entry)


Reality where the Death's Head 3.0 robots were originally created

First appearance of reality: Amazing Fantasy v.2 #16

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #9 (Monica Rappaccini entry)


Home reality of Zarrko the Tomorrow Man

First appearance of reality: Journey Into Mystery #86

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #12 (Zarrko the Tomorrow Man entry)


Home reality of Skrull Lord (Super-Skrull) of Captain Britain Corps.

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #49

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2

Earth-6311 (Other Earth)

Reality where the Dark Ages never occurred and technology was advanced by 1000 years.

Home reality of Kang/Scarlet Centurion/Rama-Tut/Immortus/Iron Lad and Terminatrix

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four v.1 #19

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of the Spider-Man 2099 that joined the Exiles.

The Exiles chased Proteus of Earth-58163 to Earth-928 (the original 2099 reality), and his actions there caused the timeline to diverge into a new reality - Earth-6375

First appearance of reality: Exiles #75

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #5 (Hyperion entry)

Erroneously numbered Earth-22506 in Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Home reality of Major Deadpool

First appearance of reality: Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth #7

First got an Earth designation in:

Deadpool Corps: Rank and Foul


Home reality of Chieftain Justice (T'Challa) of Captain Britain Corps.

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #44

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2


Home reality of Exiles Gambit - son of Namor and Invisible Woman

First appearance of reality: New Exiles #1

First got an Earth designation in: New Exiles #2


A place where Captain America had formed the Avengers.

Inhabitants besides others: Mimic, Captain America,

First appearance of reality: What if #

First got an Earth designation in:


First appearance of reality: Thor v.1 #163

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Zombies: The Book of Angels, Demons & Various Monstrosities (Pluto entry)


In this reality Earth was ruled by The Overlord

First appearance of reality: Silver Surfer v.1 #6

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Legacy: The 1960s Handbook


Home reality of a zombie version of Spider-Ham

First appearance of reality: Ultimate Civil War: Spider-Ham #1

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Zombies: The Book of Angels, Demons & Various Monstrosities (Marvel Zombies entry)


Home reality of Lord Goldstar of Captain Britain Corps.

First appearance of reality: X-Men: Die by the Sword #3

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2


Reality where Magneto is the ruler of earth

First appearance of reality: X-Men & Doctor Doom: Chaos Engine: Part One

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #4 (Red Skull entry)


Home reality of Will of the People (Killraven) of Captain Britain Corps.

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #50

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2


This reality was created by the merging of Earth-715 and Earth-74101

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four v.1 #153

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of Prince Wayfinder and the Enigma Force

First appearance of reality: Marvel Preview #4

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7 (Microverse entry)


Home reality of Deathlok (Luther Manning).

First appearance of reality: Astonishing Tales #25

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Deathlok Entry)

Earth-7511 (Fragmented America)

Home reality of Black Lama

First appearance of reality: Iron Man v.1 #80

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of Magus

First appearance of reality: Strange Tales v.1 #178

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #6 (Magus entry).

Erroneously listed as Earth-7228 in All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #1 (In-Betweener entry)


Home reality of Captain Prydain of Captain Britain Corps.

First appearance of reality: New Excalibur #18

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2



First appearance of reality: Vampire Tales #9

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Horror 2005 (Jack the Ripper entry)


Reality destroyed by the Time-Twisters

First appearance of reality: Thor v.1 #243

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #11 (Time-Keepers entry)


Reality similar to Earth-7613, but not destroyed by the Time-Twisters

First appearance of reality: Thor v.1 #245

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #12 (Zarrko the Tomorrow Man entry)


Home-reality of a Fantastic Four with different powers and different codenames: Big Brain (Reed Richards), Dragonfly (Ben Grimm), Mandroid (Johnny Storm) and Ultra-Woman (Susan Richards).

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #6

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths entry)

Earth-7888 (Earth-M/Earth-Moebius)

Reality based on a Silver Surfer movie script by Stan Lee. Home reality of Ardina, a clone of Shalla Bal powered by Galactus

First appearance of reality: The Silver Surfer (1978)

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Galactus consumes Earth, Red Skull rules over barren Earth.

First appearance of reality: Marvel Two-In-One #50

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


New home of Thundra after the destruction of Earth-715

First appearance of reality: Marvel Two-In-One #67

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Thundra entry)


Reality of Marvel Apes.

First appearance of reality: Marvel Apes #1


Home reality of Videoman

First appearance of reality: Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends #1

First got an Earth designation in: Spider-Man: Back in Black Handbook


Reality where Scarlet Centurion fought the Avengers and lost

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #29

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Scarlet Centurion entry)


Home reality Polaris of the Exiles

First appearance of reality: Exiles v.2 #1

First got an Earth designation in:


Home reality of the Z'nox

First appearance of reality: X-Men/Magneto: Chaos Engine

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Reality where the Crimson Mage separated Ghost Rider from Johnny Blaze and possessed the Ghost Rider body.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #28

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Legacy: The 1980s Handbook


Reality where Adam II is ruler of Earth

First appearance of reality: Captain America Annual #6

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #2 (Captain America entry)


Home reality of the Chosen Ones (alternate Young Gods)

First appearance of reality: Bizarre Adventures #32

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of Reed Richards' Rocket Group, a non-powered version of the Fantastic Four

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #35

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths entry)


Thing is a villain, the other Fantastic Four members accidentally get depowered.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #31

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where the X-Men fight Belasco and get trapped in Limbo

First appearance of reality: Uncanny X-Men #160

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Zombies: The Book of Angels, Demons & Various Monstrosities (Belasco entry)

Earth-8311 (Larval Earth)

Home reality of anthropomorphic parody version of Marvel characters such as Spider-Ham, Captain Americat and Ducktor Doom

First appearance of reality: Marvel Tails #1

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths entry)


Reality where Susan Storm dies in labor and Reed Richards commits suicide

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #42

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where The Thing is a monster and Bill Foster is a member of Fantastic Four

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #37

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home Reality of Hero of the Day

First appearance of reality: Incredible Hulk v.2 #286

First got an Earth designation in: World War Hulk: Gamma Files (Hero of the Day entry)


Home reality of Venger

First appearance of reality: New Exiles #5

First got an Earth designation in: New Exiles #11

Earth-8410 (2020 A.D.)

Home reality of Death's Head II, Evelyn Necker, Death Wreck, Wild Thing (Nikki Doyle), Machine Man 2020 and Iron Man 2020 who joined the Heralds

First appearance of reality: Machine Man v.2 #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Avengers 2005 (Jocasta entry), OHOTMU Alternate Universes 2005 (2020 A.D. entry)


Home reality of Gotowar Konanegg (Ka-Zar) of Captain Britain Corps.

First appearance of reality: Mighty World Of Marvel v.2 #13

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2

Earth-8545 (Legacy Planet)

Reality where all but a handful of superhumans are transformed by Warlock's techno-organic virus.

Home reality of Power Fist (Lucas Cage) that was recruited into Earth- 91172 Quentin Quire's Exiles.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #20

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


The reality of Kulan Gath's reality warp

First appearance of reality: Uncanny X-Men #189

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Magik entry)


Reality the Exiles were sent to kill Jean Grey

First appearance of reality: Exiles #2

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Reality where Kang dies instead of Ravonna.

First appearance of reality: Avengers v.1 #269

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #5 (Immortus entry)


Home Reality of Dargo Ktor

First appearance of reality: Thor v.1 #384

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #6 (Korvac entry)


Reality where earth is ruled by Sentinels

First appearance of reality: New Mutants v.1 #48

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Days of Future Past entry, appendix section)


Reality where Galactus and the Black Celestial created the time bubble

First appearance of reality: Avengers v.1 #288

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of (Scarlet) Witch of the Exiles

First appearance of reality: Exiles v.2 #1

First got an Earth designation in:


Home reality of the Nth Man

First appearance of reality: Marvel Comics Presents v.1 #25

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Legacy: The 1990s Handbook


Home reality of Cap'n Brit of the Captain Britain Corps. Destroyed by Galactus and transformed into dead rocks, the Earth-8910 is restored to its previous status by the Impossible Man. Curiosity, there's a small secondary moon orbiting around the main Earth satellite.

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #14

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Home reality of Iron Man (Andros Stark) who along with Dr. Doom tried to conquer Earth, but they were stopped by Merlyn.

First appearance of reality: Iron Man v.1 #250

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (2020 A.D. entry)


Home reality of Lady London of the Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #24

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Reality where Dr. Strange and Marjorie Brink fought the K'hylthri

First appearance of reality: Marvel Comics Presents v.1 #61

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Reality where a powerless Fantastic Four fights Dr. Doom.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #18

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where the world is a full-scale race track, and ultra-technologic cars are fighting to be the champion. In this reality the pilot Brian Braddock (Captain Britain) was killed in a car accident by his brother Jamie Braddock.

First appearance of reality: Excalibur vol.1 #18


Reality where all of the Fantastic Four get Human Torch´s fire powers

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #11

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where all of the Fantastic Four get Mr. Fantastic´s stretching powers

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #11

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where all of the Fantastic Four gets the Thing´s powers and appearance and live on Monster Island

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #11

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where all of the Fantastic Four get Invisible Woman´s invisibility powers and works for S.H.I.E.L.D.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #11

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of Kenneth Proudstar.

First appearance of reality: never seen, only mentioned

First got an Earth designation in: New Exiles #11


Reality where Russia is the dominant nation and uses a Stalin robot.

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four v.1 #341

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)

Earth-9105 (Forever Yesterday)

Reality where the United States of Assyria is the worlds dominating super-power

First appearance of reality: New Warriors v.1 #11

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of Officer Saxon (Peter Hunter) of Captain Britain Corps.

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #43

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2


Home reality of Sister Gaia of the Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #44

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Home reality of a Rachel Summers that was possessed by the Shadow King

First appearance of reality:

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #9 (Shadow King entry)


Reality where Wolverine is a vampire and gets killed by the Punisher

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #24

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)

Earth-9200 (Dystopia)

Reality where Maestro rules the world and most other superhumans were killed

First appearance of reality: Hulk: Future Imperfect #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (2099 A.D. entry)


Home reality of Magdalene of the Gatherers

First appearance of reality: Avengers v.1 #343

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #6 (Magdalene entry)


Timestream from Earth-7484 was sent to this reality

First appearance of reality: Deathlok Annual #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #4 (Timestream entry)


Reality the Exiles went to stop a bank robbery and got to spend some time as vacation

First appearance of reality: Exiles #11

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Reality where Wolverine is a vampire and kills the Punisher

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #37

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Fantastic Five entry, appendix section)


Reality were Seth conquers Asgard and makes Thor his thrall.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #38

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Fantastic Five entry appendix section)

Earth-9261 (Londonium)

Reality where the Romans conquered earth. Motormouth was sent here on a mission.

First appearance of reality: Motormouth #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7 (Motormouth entry)

Earth-9272 (Mega Mall)

First appearance of reality: Motormouth #2

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7 (Motormouth entry)


Home reality of Thanatos (Rick Jones)

First appearance of reality: Spider-Man 2099 #11

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (2099 A.D. entry)


Home reality of Grandmaster Ravonna

First appearance of reality: Avengers: Terminatrix Objective #2

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #11 (Terminatrix entry)

Earth-9339 (Irth)

Home reality of Ghath, Ibic and Khaos among others

First appearance of reality: Excalibur Annual #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Reality of of Panini's Spectacular Spider-Man

First appearance of reality: Spectacular Spider-Man Adventures #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7 (Merlyn entry)


Reality of the Path of Righteousness

First appearance of reality: Death Wreck #3

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (2020 A.D. entry)


First appearance of reality: Guardians of the Galaxy #44

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #1 (Badoon entry)


Home reality of Spider-Man 2211 and Hobgoblin 2211

First appearance of reality: Spider-Man 2099 meets Spider-Man #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (2099 A.D. entry, appendix section)


Reality where the Fantastic Four are Hulk, Wolverine, Spider-Man and Ghost Rider

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #78

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where captured super-villains were executed by the government

First appearance of reality: The Last Avengers Story #1

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of Cybermancer

First appearance of reality: Force Works #18

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Iron Manual (Virgil entry)


Home reality of Nocturne (Graham Poldark)

First appearance of reality: Nocturne #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #8 (Night Raven entry)


Home reality of the Red Queen (Jean Grey) who became ruler of Earth-998. She was destroyed by X-Man of Earth-295.

First appearance of reality: X-Man #69

First got an Earth designation in: First numbered in All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #9 (Red Queen entry)


Home reality of Friar Albion (Pete Wisdom) of Captain Britain Corps.

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #44

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2

Earth-9602 (Amalgam)

This reality was created by merging Earth-616 with the DC universe.

First appearance of reality: Marvel vs. DC #3

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)

Erroneously numbered Earth-962 in Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four


Fitzroy kills Bishop, Shard goes on a mutant killing spree; humanity follows her example.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #84

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #4 (appendix section)


Days of Future Tense

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #94

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Days of Future Past, The Corps entries)


Reality where Hulk killed Maestro

First appearance of reality: Incredible Hulk v.2 #450

First got an Earth designation in: World War Hulk: Gamma Files (Hulk entry)


Home reality of Caledonia of Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four v.3 #9

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)

Earth-9811 (Battleworld)

Reality where those sent to Battleworld in Secret War never left, and had children.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #114

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where the Avengers Galactic Battalion conquers the universe.

First appearance of reality: Avengers Forever #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #5 (Immortus entry)


Reality where Cable dies and Aliya lives

First appearance of reality:X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow - Book Three: The Future

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (2020 A.D. entry, appendix section)


Home reality of Privateer Albion of Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #124

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Home reality of Dream Summers

First appearance of reality:X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow - Book Three: The Future

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of a Ravonna that was killed by Kang

First appearance of reality:X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow - Book Three: The Future

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Reality where the Avengers are formed in 1950. The members were: Jimmy Woo, Venus, Gorilla Man, Human Robot, 3-D Man and Marvel Boy. This reality was erased by Immortus during the Destiny War.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #9

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #5 (Gorilla-Man entry)


Reality where Dr. Doom rules the earth.

First appearance of reality: A-Next #10

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (MC2 entry)


Reality where Chronomancer (Trevor Fitzroy) rules the earth.

First appearance of reality: Bishop: The Last X-Man #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Chronomancer's World entry)


Home reality of New Son (Gambit)

First appearance of reality: Gambit v.3 #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #2 (Bella Donna Boudreaux entry)


Reality where the Shi'ar rules the earth

First appearance of reality: Team X 2000 #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #3 (Deathbird entry)


Reality where Morph and Sasquatch fought a renegade Wolverine

First appearance of reality: Exiles #32

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Reality where Jocasta and Machine Man had a child. The Avengers are Killraven, Jocasta, Thundra, Black Panther, Living Lightning and Crimson Dynamo.

First appearance of reality: Avengers Forever #4

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Avengers 2005 (Jocasta entry)

Earth-9939 (Earth-Charnel)

Home reality of Charnel and the X-Saviours

First appearance of reality: Death3 #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (2020 A.D. entry)

Earth-9997 (Earth X)

Reality where all humans has been mutated by the Inhumans Terrigen Mists, Franklin Richards is Galactus and X-51 (Machine Man) becomes earth's new Watcher.

First appearance of reality: Earth X Sketchbook #1

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths entry)


Home reality of Vision of Weapon X

First appearance of reality: Exiles #12

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #83


Home reality of Kidpool

First appearance of reality: Prelude to the Deadpool Corps #2

First got an Earth designation in:

Deadpool Corps: Rank and Foul


Home reality of Five for the Future who were; Mr. Fixit, Mr. Strange, Mr. Feral, Mr. Grimm and Mr. Mist Nelson.

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four v.3 #47

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths entry)


Reality where Barbara Ketch is the Ghost Rider

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #45

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Reality where Nazi-Zombies have taken over the world

First appearance of the reality: Marvel Zombies Destroy #1

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Zombies Destroy #1


Reality where the Exiles fought Impossible Man

First appearance of reality: Exiles #49

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)

Earth-15104 (Here Comes Tomorrow)

Future reality where Beast, possessed by Sublime, tries to take over the world

First appearance of reality: X-Men v.2 #150

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Here Comes Tomorrow entry)


An alternate New Universe. Spitfire of this reality was recruited into Earth- 91172 Quentin Quire's Exiles.

First appearance of reality: Exiles #72

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #6 (Justice entry)

Earth-200111 (MAX)

Alternate universe where the superheroes don't exist, and some of the famous characters bring forward their missions of life (Nick Fury, Punisher);

Earth-20051 (Marvel Adventures)

The reality where the Marvel Adventures series of comics are set. It has many of the same characters and heroes as Earth-616, but is more lighthearted and designed for an All Ages audience.

First appearance of reality: Marvel Adventures Spider-Man #1

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Adventures: Fantastic Four #25


Reality where the members of the rock band Kiss has super powers.

First appearance of reality: Marvel Comics Super Special #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #4 (Elf with a Gun entry)


Bruce Banner of Earth-616 traveled back in time to prevent his transforming to Hulk, and by doing this a divergent timeline was created - Earth-20476

First appearance of reality: Incredible Hulk v.2 #204

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Reality where Thor is president

First appearance of reality: Ultimate Fantastic Four #27

First got an Earth designation in: Ultimate Secrets (Earth-President Thor entry)

Earth-21989 (Marvel Babies)

Home reality of Widdle Avengers

First appearance of reality: Marvel Tales #219

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Larval Earth entry, appendix section)


Reality where Cable kills the X-Men and Magneto took over the United States.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #46

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of Rifleman (Lance Hunter) of Captain Britain Corps.

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.2 #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2


Home reality of Justicer Bull of the Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #23

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Home reality of Storm of Weapon X

First appearance of reality: Exiles #12

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #83


Reality where the Exiles unknowingly averted an invasion of the Shi'ar

First appearance of reality: Exiles #54

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Reality where the Exiles battled Sinister Six

First appearance of reality: Exiles #89

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #89


Reality where the Exiles battled Serpent Society

First appearance of reality: Exiles #89

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #89


Reality where the Exiles battled Hellfire Club

First appearance of reality: Exiles #89

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #89


After Beyonder transported all super powered individuals to Battleworld, the secret war was not so secret.

First appearance of reality: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3

First got an Earth designation in: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #3

Earth-31916 (Supreme Power)

Home reality of an alternate Squadron Supreme

First appearance of reality: Supreme Power #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Supreme Power entry)

Earth-32000 (Ages of Apocalypse)

Alternate Age of Apocalypse

First appearance of reality: X-Men Unlimited v.1 #26

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Grandmaster of Earth-1815 traveled to this reality and formed his own team of Exiles consisting of this Earths Mimic to battle the original Exiles.

First appearance of reality: Exiles Annual #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #3 (Power Princess entry)


Reality where the Exiles fought Kulan Gath and Zarathos

First appearance of reality: Exiles #54

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)


Home reality of Comet Pierce

First appearance of reality: Red Raven Comics #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


In a future, various X-groups fought major foes.

First appearance of reality: X-Men: The End #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #4 (appendix section)


Reality where the Punisher is a female

First appearance of reality: Exiles #63

First got an Earth designation in: X-Men: Messiah Complex - Mutant Files (Exiles entry)

Earth-45828 (Razorline)

Home reality of Ectokid, Hokum & Hex, Saint Sinner and Hyperkind.

First appearance of reality: Razorline: The First Cut #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Divergent Earth-7901.

First appearance of reality: Giant-Size Marvel Adventures: Avengers #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #4 (appendix section)


Home reality of Albert & Elsie-Dee that joined the All-Wolverine Exiles team

First appearance of reality: Exiles #85

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #85


Home reality of Jennifer of the Jungle

First appearance of reality: Spidey Super Stories #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)

Earth-58163 (House of M)

This reality is where the House of M storyline took place, in a world where Homo Superior reigned supreme and it was the Homo Sapiens that were considered inferior.

This reality is an altered Earth-616 where the Scarlet Witch has granted everyone their desires so that they can be truly happy. And none of the Earth-616 natives remember this.

The key to saving all those who have fallen prey to Wanda is the mysterious young girl, Layla Miller who remembers everything and has the power to restore one's memory of their Earth-616 life.

First appearance of reality: House of M #2

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #6 (Justice entry)


Home reality of Sky Captain of Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality:

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Home reality of Flight Leader of Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Uncanny X-Men #462

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2 (The Corps entry)


Reality of Colossus the Super Computer

First appearance of reality: Strange Tales v.1 #72

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Legacy: The 1960s Handbook


Forge's wife, Ororo, and two children, Orora and Naze killed by Nimrod.

First appearance of reality: New X-Men #29

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #4 (appendix section)


Reality where earth was devastated by a non-ending war that began in 1914.

Home reality of Albion (Bran Bardic) of Captain Britain Corps. He is one of the few members of the Corps that chose the Sword of Might over the Amulet of Right.

First appearance of reality: New Excalibur #5

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #2

Earth-74101 (Machus)

All men are barbarians and the women are slaves. Home reality of Mahkizimo.

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Four v.1#151

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)

Earth-78411 (Dinosaur world)

Home reality of Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy.

First appearance of reality: Devil Dinosaur v.1 #1

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Monsters: From the files of Ulysses Bloodstone and the Monster Hunters


This reality was destroyed by Korvac using the Ultimate Nullifier

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #32

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #6 (Korvac entry)


Parody reality where Reed Richards sent four bananas up in the spaceship, and those bananas got the powers of the Fantastic Four.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #34

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where Howard the Duck does not exist, and all his friends have better lives.

First appearance of reality: Bizarre Adventures #34

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #5 (Howard the Duck entry)

Earth-88194 (Shadowline)

Home reality of Terror Inc. and Dr. Zero. Superhumans are called Shadows

First appearance of reality: Dr. Zero #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Shadowline entry)


Storm became an air traffic controller but the stress of her job caused her to create thunderstorms that downed planes.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v. 1 #34

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #4 (appendix section)


Reality where the X-Men lost during Inferno, earth got invaded by Demons, and the reality was almost erased by the Living Tribunal.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #6

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #6 (Living Tribunal entry)


Home reality of Enforcer Capone of Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #44

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (The Corps entry)


Ultravision (Utopia) Home reality of Irondroid

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #19

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (Fantastic Five entry, appendix section)


Ultravision (Dystopia)

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #19

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Home reality of Sprout

First appearance of reality: Marvel Fanfare #51

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #8 (Quoi entry)


Spider-Man retains the powers of Captain Universe but ultimately sacrifices them in order to bring about world peace.

First appearance of reality: What If...? v.2 #31

First got an Earth designation: Unknown


Invisible Woman dies in second child-birth, the child - Suzy, becomes a monster, Franklin Richards sends her to the Negative Zone

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #30

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Second Child of Mr. Fantastic and Invisible woman, Mary, brings global peace.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #30

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where nearly all super-humans are killed by Hulk and the Annihilation Wave. Quentin Quire from this reality forms his own team of Exiles, unknowingly helped by Blink and Sabretooth.

First appearance of reality: Exiles: Days of Then and Now #1

First got an Earth designation in: New Exiles #0


What if Storm had stayed a thief in Cairo instead of going to Kenya when she was a teenager?

First appearance of reality: What If..? v. 2 #40

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #5 (appendix section)

Earth-93060 (the Ultraverse)

Home reality of Prime, Mantra, Lord Pumpkin, Hardcase, Night Man, Sludge and Rune among others.

First appearance of reality: Hardcase #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)

Earth-93091 (Odexis)

Reality where Kang and Revelation (Terminatrix) rules earth

First appearance of reality: Avengers: Terminatrix Objective #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #11 (Terminatrix entry)


Home reality of Maxam

First appearance of reality: Warlock and the Infinity Watch #12

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Legacy: The 1970s Handbook


Home reality of Dredge

First appearance of reality: Death Wreck #2

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (2020 AD. entry)


Cable kills X-Men, Magneto takes over USA.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v. 1 #46

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #5 (appendix section)


Home reality of Sabra of the Seven Seas and Qaar Goth.

First appearance of reality: Motormouth & Killpower #11

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7 (Motormouth entry)


Scott and Jean got married early .

First appearance of reality: What If..? v. 2 #60

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #5 (appendix section)


Almost all mutants have been wiped out; Storm creates a sanctuary called Storm City.

First appearance of reality: Exiles v. 2 #38

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #5 (appendix section)


Variant Earth-295.

First appearance of reality: Marvel Riot #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #5 (appendix section)


Reality where Red Ghost and the Super-Apes became the Fantastic Four

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Force #12

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Reality where the Fantastic Four has different powers

First appearance of reality: Fantastic Force #12

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of the teenage Tony Stark that replaced Earth-616 Iron Man

First appearance of reality: Avengers: Timeslide

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Legacy: The 1990s Handbook


Parody reality

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #100

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of Ely, son of Songbird and Genis-Vell

First appearance of reality: Avengers Forever #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #6 (Magus entry)


Home reality of a Captain Britain who chose both the Sword of Might and the Amulet of Right

First appearance of reality: Marvel Vision #25

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (appendix section)


Reality where Authority (Tito Mendez) rules the universe.

First appearance of reality: Marvel Team-Up v.2 #5

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #1 (Authority entry)


Scarlet Centurion tricked X-Men into hunting superheroes; reality destroyed by Kang's Time Arrow .

First appearance of reality: X-Men and Spider-Man: Time's Arrow: Book One: The Past

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #5 (appendix section)


Home reality of the Mini-Marvels

First appearance of reality:

First got an Earth designation in: New Exiles #11

Earth-99461 (Dino-World)

Reality where everyone are dinosaurs. Home reality of Britannicus Rex of Captain Britain Corps

First appearance of reality: Excalibur v.1 #51

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Encyclopedia: Fantastic Four (Alternate Earths appendix)


Home reality of Dogpool.

First appearance of reality: Prelude to the Deadpool Corps #3

First got an Earth designation in:

Deadpool Corps: Rank and Foul


The X-Men died on their first mission. The new X-Men were Beast, Wolfsbane, Thunderbird, Namorita and Siryn

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.2 #9

First got an Earth designation in: Quasar #30

Earth-120185 (Transformers)

This is the reality of at least the Marvel version of the Transformers.

First appearance of reality: Transformers #1

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #3 (Death's Head entry)

Earth-148611 (New Universe)

Reality where a select few people were given super-powers in an astronomical phenomenon called the White Event. These people became known as Paranormals.Home reality of Starbrand, Nightmask, Justice, Spitfire, Mark Hazzard, Psi-Force and DP7 among others.

First appearance of reality: Star Brand #1

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 (2099 A.D., New Universe entries)


Reality where the Fantastic Four are actually called the Four Fantastic consisting of Dr. Doom, Invisible Woman, Human Torch and Hulk. Earth is destroyed by Reed Richards

First appearance of reality: Exiles #95

First got an Earth designation in: Exiles #96


The Marvel Cinematic Universe.

First appearance of reality: Iron Man (2008)

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #5 (HC)


What If...Magneto & Professor X Had Formed the X-Men Together?

First appearance of reality: What If...Magneto & Professor X Had Formed the X-Men Together?

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #5 (appendix section)


Home reality of Old Man Logan and the Marquis of Death.

First appearance of reality: Wolverine Vol 3 #66

First got an Earth designation in:

Earth-818793 (Army of Darkness)

Reality of Dynamite Comics' Army of Darkness comics. Home reality of Ashley J. Williams

First appearance of reality: Army of Darkness: Ashes 2 Ashes #1

First got an Earth designation in: Marvel Zombies: The Book of Angels, Demons & Various Monstrosities (Marvel Zombies entry)


Reality where the Exiles fought Hulk

First appearance of reality: Exiles #5

First got an Earth designation in: New Exiles #0


New York permanently turned into Savage Land.

First appearance of reality: What If..? v. 2 #112

First got an Earth designation in: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Premiere Hardcover #5 (appendix section)


Initiative was a success, Reed Richards created a serum that gave powers to anyone who wanted them.

First appearance of reality: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #2

First got an Earth designation in: Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #2


A technologically advanced reality with a physically medieval flair that was ruled by Reed Richards.

First appearance of reality: Avengers World #18

First got an Earth designation in: Avengers World #18


A reality where superhumans and/or super-powers do not exist.

First appearance of reality: Avengers World #21

First got an Earth designation in: Avengers World #21

There are also many realities that haven't gotten a numerical designation as of yet, such as the Microverse and the Mojoverse. It was indicated in the Exiles that the Mojoverse and all of its native inhabitants are unique, and unlike all other known realities there are no alternate counterparts.

Places outside of the numbered realm:

The Exiles operates in and outside of any reality. Their base, the Panoptichron, or the Crystal Palace as it's also called, is said to exist outside of time and space.

The M'Kraan Crystal which is a Nexus of Realities. The insides of the M'Kraan Crystal is also said to exist outside of time and space.


This reality was destroyed by Korvac using the Ultimate Nullifier

First appearance of reality: What If..? v.1 #32

First got an Earth designation in: All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #6 (Korvac entry)


December 1965

January 1966

September 1968

January 1969

February 1971

March 1971

January 1972

July 1974

August 1974

September 1974

October 1974

December 1974

January 1975

July 1975

August 1975

September 1975

October 1975

November 1975

December 1975

February 1976

April 1976

May 1976

June 1976
