
Lumberjanes Badges

Lumberjanes Badges

Badges that can be earned by the Lumberjanes at the Miss Quinzella Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet's Camp for Hardcore Lady Types.

Lumberjanes Badges
Start year:
First issue:

Up All Night

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Earned while staying up all night. The campers did this while tracking an old woman that turned into a bear. The campers also fought magic, three-eyed foxes.

Naval Gauging

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Earned while canoeing down the river. The campers ended up face-to-face with a three-eyed river monster.

Pungeon Master

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Earned after delivering a pun. Jo asks if there are any last tips before embarking on a river trip. Molly responds with: "Yeah, don't TIP over!"

Everything Under the Sum

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Earned once you do some math.

Robyn Hood

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Earned once archery has been mastered.

Friendship to the Craft

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Earned after making friendship bracelets.


April 2014

May 2014

June 2014

July 2014

August 2014
