


This page displays examples of the pull-out posters or the Centerfolds in comic books.

  • Gatefold
  • Gatefolded Spread
  • Pin-Up
Start year:
First issue:
Famous Monsters of Filmland (1958) #156

Some comics have pull out posters and centerfold pages, these can show the artist or pencilers great artwork. Here lies a gallery in which we can be reminded of the artists great work. So if you have a fantastic poster you need to show everyone or you're just looking for imagination, enlighten yourself here.

  • This image shows Spider-Man fighting all of his different enemies. This catalog's all of his various foe's, and is a great piece of art work, it really has to be appreciated up close though, the detail is fantastic.
  • This image pictures Spider-man again, this time you see the web-slinger rescuing his beloved Mary Jane from the clutches of every one of his enemies! close call Spidey!
  • This picture is a brilliant example of what every Marvel character would look like assembled in one place at the same time. this is such a good picture because it constantly surprises you. Just when you think you have named every single one, wait... no... there's one more, and another, and another. Brilliant piece of art.
  • This is a really good picture of Wolverine showing off his amazing healing factor after being shot 23 times! The shading affect applied here is almost like a slight colour crosshatch. Go Wolvey!
  • This guy needs no introduction! THE MIGHTY THOR! Enough said i think!
  • This is a comic advertisement/poster. It advertises the new Avengers animated film, it is a good picture of Captain America. Slightly corny and a little too American for most tastes, with the F-16 and the attack helicopter in the back ground. But good all the same!
  • This is one of my favorite pictures I have seen as far as comic pullout poster go. The amount of work that must have gone into this is huge. Well done, whomever created this, it is truly amazing. Amazing use of the 3D affect.
  • This image is a good one also, very eye-catching, how both the figures of Batman and Superman emulate each other and their capes are virtually a mirror image of each other. But it does go to show how unimaginative DC Comics became with their two most major characters, both costumes are very similar. With the knee high boots, tights, capes, and underwear on the outside of their clothes.
  • This is a perfect example why Spawn comics are the most intricate comics around. The actual artists involved in this masterpiece should be knighted or at least given the key to the city! This is a breath-taking piece of work. I don't even want to think about how long this would have taken a team to put together.
  • This next image is of the amazing Supergirl. Is is just me... or does she look totally hot in this picture?


June 1980

June 1983

October 1984

April 1987

May 1988

January 1991

December 1992

January 1993

September 1993

August 1995

April 1996

August 1996

November 1996

August 1997

July 1999

August 1999

September 1999

March 2008

December 2015

May 2023

June 2023

October 2023
