
Gina Bark

Gina Bark

Half of a brother and sister ghost hunting television series. She believes she has true powers. Previously when she tried to run away from home her story was told in the form of Hansel and Gretel.

Gina Bark
Real name:
  • Gretel
Birth date:
  • Fire Control

Current Events

Gina meets Helios
Gina meets Helios

After freeing Helios, the Dark One tries to take power of him but is unsuccessful. Instead Helios attempts to burn the Dark One alive. After a brief battle the forces of the Dark One (Cindy, Morrigan, Beast, Venus) quickly retreat leaving the group of heroes (Sela, Samantha Darren, Britney Waters, Marcus) and the other group of villains (Baba Yaga, Sea Witch and Siren) alone to face Helios. He is not directly interested in battle but instead in being free. He meets Gina Bark who has assumed a fire-based appearance due to her powers. He believes her to be the reincarnation of her lost love and they depart together and begin a plan to burn the world. They are intercepted on the Great Wall of China where they attempt to manipulate Helios by threatening to imprison Gina in the sun. The Dark One's forces return once again and make matters worse as they lie to Helios about the intentions of the heroes. They escape once again as do the Dark One's forces. The heroes quickly reconvene and decide to use the stone from the bauble to attack the fire-beings. They meet them in battle once again and although they are unable to stop the threat of Helios, they are able to reduce him in power substantially. They take it as a small victory. Samantha asks Britney and Marcus if they would also like to be Guardians of the Nexus, though in a subordinate role. In Las Vegas, Innocence visits the Dark One and informs him that he will soon die at the hands of Baba Yaga. Elsewhere Venus is angered at Baba because of the disfiguration she suffered after an attack by Helios. One of the other members of the hero team - Patricia - is attacked inside her home and killed. Seemingly some group is targeting falsebloods as they seem to be a threat.


She comes from an upbringing with a stern father and a step-mother that she thinks is uncaring towards her. She later learns a valuable lesson from Sela about the importance of family as told through the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel" after she decides to run away from home. When she returns home she sees that her house is on fire and that everyone within is dead. Her brother Hank consoles her and tries to convince her that she has not seen a demon inside, but she finds inexplicable footprints.


She was first introduced in the Grimm Fairy Tales adaptation of Hansel and Gretel in issue 3.

Character Evolution

As the older of the two siblings, it is Gina who has been portrayed as the more headstrong of the two. In the original story it was her idea to run away from home while her brother decided to tag along. In their newer stories the character believes she has inexplicable powers, but Hank is more skeptical and thus takes more of an adult role to his older sister.

Major Story Arcs

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Gina and her brother Hank grow to be fed up with the authoritarian rule of their parents and decide to run away. In so doing they are picked up by Sela, who tells them the story of Hansel and Gretel. Though there are some similarities to the original story including the trail of bed crumbs and the discovery of the house in the forest inhabited by an evil witch, they meet a much more violent end than in the classic fairy tale. After hearing the story the two runaway teenagers decide it is better to head back home.

The duo is later revealed to be working together some years later as part of a television investigative team that searches for ghosts. In their most ambitious story to date, they seek out the site of a powerful witch, who is believed to really exist to all the townspeople that they come across.

Powers and Abilities

Gina is a pyrokinetic, capable of control and even creating fire with her mind. She is also revealed to be a falseblood. Initially she thought that she might be able to also interact directly with ghosts, but this has not been confirmed.


December 2005

July 2012

August 2012

September 2012

October 2012

December 2012

February 2013

April 2014




