


Reluctant soldier, friend of Moonshadow, and regular companion of Horntoad.

Real name:
Birth date:

Major Story Arcs

Rigarollo becomes a member of the Machovian army and is sent to Bingbangboom along with Sgt. Chesterbarrel, Moonshadow, Ira, Horntoad, and others on a mission to stop a doomsday weapon. Other than Chesterbarrel, none of them really want to be there. Rigarollo is the squad spy and is known for constant talking.

They get to the castle where the weapon is said to be hidden, and Chesterbarrel, Ira, and Moon investigate. They find out that there is no weapon; instead the castle's owner, Lord Gaylord, made it up to scare both Machovia and his own country, Goyimia, to leave him alone. Instead the castle is a have for peace. Chesterbarrel loves it and stays, but Ira thinks the castle is too much like the Zoo they once lived in, and Moon is still full of the romance of war, so they leave. Telling the others that the Sergeant was killed by a monster, they all leave to their next station, Tsuris, a battlefield planet.

Rigarollo and Horntoad greet Moonshadow in the camp
Rigarollo and Horntoad greet Moonshadow in the camp

They crash, and Horntoad breaks his legs. The others move on and are caught in the battle. The Horntoad and Rigarollo are captured and brought to a concentration camp run by Darkmeister Ebann. Ira and Moon arrive soon after. Horntoad is still injured, and Rigarollo is gaunt. The other prisoners aren't happy to have more mouths to feed, but the brave and loyal Horntoad and Rigarollo defend their friends. Eventually Ira, who is superhumanly strong, saves them all.

Horntoad and Rigarollo become Moon's new true friends. When Ebann takes a shine to Moon, Moon gets Rigarollow, Horntoad, and Ira to start a theater company with him to entertain the commandant as a way to get them in his better graces. Unfortunately they push it too far and are sentenced to death.

They are saved from execution by the whim of the mysterious G'L-Doses, and when the camp is destroyed in the ensuing disaster, they are all hailed as heroes, especially Ira. They are all given an award by General Lunace. Rigarollo, who was a poor pickpocket and grifter, had been in jail many times before, away from his large family of thirteen children, and was glad to be out once again.

They are brought to the royal palace, attended to by courtesans in bunny costumes, and meet King Macha. Released from the military, they return to their families after a tearful farewell with Moon.

After Moon rescues the King and Queen from Pobidiah, Jobidiah, and Mobidiah Unkshuss, the Queen throws a party and Horntoad and Rigarollo come back for a happy reunion with their friend. With Moon's recommendation they become the Queen's Royal Advisors, and Rigarollo's wife takes over the Queen's nursery. They all live together happily for a time until Moon leaves for his final journey.

Potential Confusion with Rigarollo

Horntoad and Rigarollo, or Rigarollo and Horntoad?
Horntoad and Rigarollo, or Rigarollo and Horntoad?

It should be noted that Horntoad and Rigarollo usually appear as a pair, and are usually described within the same caption, so it is never made explicitly clear which one is Horntoad and which one is Rigarollo. However, based on the order of their names within the captions, and the description of Horntoad as having broken limbs (although the text says his legs are broken and the images show him with a broken arm), and the description of the very thin Rigarollo as being skinny, it seems likely that (counterintuitively) Horntoad is the human-looking one and Rigarollo is the alien-looking one.


September 1985

November 1985

January 1986

January 1987

December 1994

January 1995

February 1995

July 1995



