
Queen Dibbich

Queen Dibbich

Queen of Machovia, wife of King Macha, and patron of Moonshadow.

Queen Dibbich
Real name:
Queen Dibbich
Birth date:

Major Story Arcs

Queen Dibbich is the wife of King Macha, the ruler of the Machovian empire, which is centered on the mall world of Gimmegimme. Macha is often sent away to an insane asylum, partly due to the machinations of the Unkshuss family, who manipulate him and the empire to gain the real control over the empire, but also because he is actually fairly loony. Both she and he are scared of the Unkshusses.

When it comes to ruling, Dibbich usually takes a backseat to Macha, but she runs the castle and their kids, and sincerely loves her husband. She is, however, enormously fat and often self-obsessed. Paradoxically, she was a peasant in her childhood, and she still has sympathy for the poor, who are trodden upon by the Unkshuss's machinations.

After Moonshadow and his friends arrive at the palace, heralded as heroes, they are asked to live there. Moon becomes the nanny to Dibbich's kids, Andy, Dandy, Melody, Poof, Globulous, Hobulous, and Dinky), and he becomes a confidant to Dibbich as well. However, Moon is kicked out of the palace by Pobidiah Unkshuss. In the meantime, Pobidiah continues to take over, and puts Dibbich on drugs to pacify her.

Much later, Moon is captured and put in Pobidiah's dungeon. One of her kids sees Moon and tells the Queen, who shows up and has Mobidiah (another Unkshuss) arrested. She stands up for herself and takes over the kingdom while Macha is once again in the asylum. She also names some of Moon's friends, Horntoad and Rigarollo, as her advisors. Moon eventually leaves in search of another friend.


January 1986

April 1986

January 1987

February 1995

March 1995

July 1995



