
Mobidiah Unkshuss

Mobidiah Unkshuss

The thug/enforcer in his family of evil-doers.

Mobidiah Unkshuss
Real name:
Mobidiah Unkshuss
Birth date:

The Unkshuss family are malicious humanoid aliens that sort of resemble Dr. Seuss characters, and control the Machovian empire from behind the scenes. The family patriarch is Pobidiah, who is a religous leader akin to the pope, as well as the builder of the Machovian home planet of Gimmegimme. His children are Jobidiah, Mobidiah, and Flobidiah. Jobidiah is an oligarch and owns most of the businesses on Gimmegimme. Mobidiah is the thug-like enforcer who does the dirty work. Flobidiah is the "black sheep" of the family, in the sense that she is kind hearted, but she usually does what Mobidiah says.

When Moonshadow, Ira, and their friends become war heroes, they visit the king's palace. There, Mobidiah takes the point in the family's plan to brainwash Ira and get him to do a series of victory speeches around the universe, partly to make money and partly for propaganda for the war, which the Unkshusses started.

They finally get Ira to come with them through a combination of giving him the sex and alcohol that he craves, and partly through a mind-control helmet, since although Ira is a completely dissolute soul, he does hate war.

Mobidiah beats Ira
Mobidiah beats Ira

Moonshadow finally finds Ira and confronts him on stage. When he realizes that he is being controlled, Moon runs off in shock. He comes back and finds him in a cage, where Mobidiah has been physically and mentally torturing him. With the help of good-hearted Flobidiah, Moon manages to free him. However, Mobidiah realizes Flobidiah's treason, and even though he professes to love his sister, he beats her badly with his cane.

Later, when Moon is caught and put in Pobidiah's dungeon, Mobidiah hires a bunch of other thugs, seemingly without his father's knowledge. He may be planning a coup attempt. Moon shoots Pobidiah and escapes, but is confronted by Mobidiah and his newly-deputized "guards." Mobidiah attempts to arrest Moon, but is stopped by the arrival of Queen Dibbich, who finally decides to stand up to the Unkshusses. Mobidiah is presumably jailed.


January 1986

August 1986

January 1987

February 1995

May 1995

July 1995



