
Flobidiah Unkshuss

Flobidiah Unkshuss

The sole tender-hearted member of the Unkshuss family.

Flobidiah Unkshuss
Real name:
Flobidiah Unkshuss
Birth date:

Major Story Arcs

The Unkshuss family is mostly comprised of malicious humanoid aliens that sort of resemble Dr. Seuss characters, and control the Machovian empire from behind the scenes. The family patriarch is Pobidiah, who is a religous leader akin to the pope, as well as the builder of the Machovian home planet of Gimmegimme. His children are Jobidiah, Mobidiah, and Flobidiah. Jobidiah is an oligarch and owns most of the businesses on Gimmegimme. Mobidiah is the thug-like enforcer who does the dirty work. Flobidiah, however, is the "black sheep" of the family, in the sense that she is kind hearted. In fact, she once even wishes that she had been aborted rather than live with her family. She traces her kindness back to her mother, who was a good person. Still, she usually does what Mobidiah says.

When Moonshadow, Ira, and their friends become war heroes, they visit the king's palace. The Unkshusses, who also live at the palace, try to brainwash Ira and get him to go on tour giving a series of victory speeches around the universe, partly to make money and partly for propaganda for the war, which the Unkshusses started.

They finally get Ira to come with them through a combination of giving him the sex and alcohol that he craves, and partly through a mind-control helmet, since although Ira is a completely dissolute soul, he does bitterly hate and fear war.

Flobidiah comforts Ira
Flobidiah comforts Ira

Moonshadow finally finds Ira and confronts him on stage. When he realizes that he is being controlled, Moon runs off in shock. He comes back and finds him in a cage, where Mobidiah has been physically and mentally torturing him. Flobidiah, however, secretly loves the gross-but-cuddly Ira, and has been trying to give him some comfort throughout the tour, even though Ira is too out of it to realize what is going on. When she realizes that Moon is there to rescue Ira, she leaves the key in the door and lets Ira escape, even though she knows it will get her in trouble with her brother. When Mobidiah realizes Flobidiah's treason, and even though he professes to love his sister, he beats her badly with his cane.

Later, Moon and Ira are caught and put in Pobidiah's dungeon. Moon shoots Pobidiah, but is confronted by Mobidiah and some guards. Flobidiah once again comes to the rescue, and lets Moon and Ira out through a secret door. Mobidiah pursues them, but is stopped by the arrival of Queen Dibbich, who finally decides to stand up to the Unkshusses. The other Unkshusses are dealt with by the queen, but Flobidiah now joins Ira and Moon on their next journey.

They try to find Shree Quack-Quack H'onnka, a famous mystic who supposedly knows the true meaning of life. They go to the World of Mists, where he is rumored to live, but can find only pilgrims who have been wandering about for years trying to find him. Ira becomes sick from all his travails, and Ira and Moon care for him and discuss philosophy and life and family. Ira dies, and Flobidiah leaves to join the pilgrims. She believes that she will eventually find H'onnka and find peace.


January 1986

August 1986

January 1987

February 1987

February 1995

May 1995

July 1995

August 1995



