
The Last Enemy

The Last Enemy

A sentient equation The Null had fabricated by world renown mathematicians throughout history to act as their timeless enforcer for their plans of the reality subtraction. This algorithm utilized by its nihilistic employers assists with its long term gradual effect of ultimate oblivion by possessing those susceptible to it and using them to shift world history down the path of self-termination.

The Last Enemy
Real name:
Null Mind-Equation
Birth date:
January 15th, 1095
  • Adaptive
  • Animal Control
  • Chameleon
  • Electronic interaction
  • Hypnosis
  • Possession
  • Soul Absorption
  • Stealth
  • Synaesthesia

Valiant Entertainment

As near timeless as The Sect itself, the last enemy has incarnated itself throughout the ages.

The Last Enemy is a living stochastic program, a virus that could overwrite the the conscious minds of any person who has viewed it's numerical formula and use their host bodies as its vessel in order to carry out The Null's plans to bring about a total event collapse.

Conceived in the late 11th century by its nihilistic creators it served to spread terror and destruction in its wake at the whim of it's creators designs during the great crusades. Subtly shifting the coarse of history towards their desired long term goals and regularly coming into conflict with The Anni-Paddas over the coarse of millennia, particularly over the well-being of a Geomancer.

During the Qin Dynasty it had taken hold of and was ruling part of China in the year 210 B.C. as Emperor Qin Shi-Huang. He and a Null Agent tried to kidnap Geomancer Anqi Sheng. Gilad Anni-Padda and Aram Anni-Padda tried to free the Geomancer, but failed. Gilad then killed both his assist and the Emperor.

In the year 1718, he went unseen as an assist to dread Captain Blackbeard. During the love period back in 1963, November 22nd he along with his new partner; Jack Ruby. Waylayed Gilad from preventing the assassination of president Kennedy to spur the war in South Vietnam, and in modern times he is the enforcer to businessman and head of The Null corner of the sect named Elliot Zorn, who helped Joe Earl Archer and The Dominion in acquiring part of The Boon.

As The Null's ultimate plans to upload the Null World Equation were coming to fruition, Mr. Zorn would employ the Last Enemy against both the Anni-Padda Brother's Gilad, Aram and the new Kay McHenry by uploading it into Obidiah Archer; whom the business mogul recognized as Thelma Archer's most prized pupil, a sect member whom Zorn had affilated with for years.


December 2012

January 2013

February 2013

March 2013

April 2013





