
Lucien Barnes

Lucien Barnes

Lucien Barnes is a soldier charged with protecting Andromeda Weaver. He becomes caught in the conflict between the Mineans and Dayaks and is transformed into an angel-like being.

Lucien Barnes
Real name:
Lucien Barnes
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Claws
  • Divine Powers
  • Flight
  • Healing
  • Stamina
  • Super Smell
  • Super Strength
  • Teleport
First issue:

Major Story Arcs

Lucien was a former soldier stationed in Russian as the security detail for Dr Andromeda Weaver. He answered to Grigorieff and was very loyal to his charge and his supervisor. One day while out in the filed the pair discovered what appeared to be a young girl with angelic wings clutching several rolled up pages. Prolonged exposure to the pages began to effect Lucien Physically. He informed Andy that they had to contact Grigorieff to inform him of the girl's presence. Andy had issues with the supervisor and knocked out Licen and fled with the young girl.

Lucien, upon waking up, called in and reported the girl and pursued the pair. At that moment the Dayaks attacked seeking to recover the pages that Petra had taken. Lucien arrived an evolved into a superpowered being with superior strength, speed and claws. Much to Petra's chagrin, this was what she had hoped to keep from happening by stealing the pages as it was preordained that Lucien would evolve into this form. Lucien and Andromeda befriended the young girl and became allies of the Mineans.

However despite his best intentions the prophecy that Petra hoped to stop would come true. Lucien would eventually turn on his friends and loved ones and when last we saw them he had enslaved Andromeda and all of the Mineans.

Powers and Abilities

Lucien Barnes was original a former soldier serving as security personnel. He was in peak physical condition for a man of his age and size. After exposure to several sacred (enchanted) pages his skin turned chalk white and he gained the following abilities:

Super Human Speed: After close contact to the pages his speed was increased exponentially to the point he was physically faster than the Dayaks set to recover the pages.

Super Human Strength: Lucien's physical strength was increased along with his speed above that of his previous peek abilities.

Razor Sharp Claws: The next enhancement he gained while in possession of the pages were claws at the ends of each of his fingers capable of slicing through bone and in some cases man made weapons.

Winged Flight: The final immediate power Lucien gain were a pair of Angelic Wings that allow him to fly and carry additional passengers with no strain.


June 1997

October 1997

November 1997

December 1997

February 1998

May 1998

July 1998

August 1998

October 1998

November 1998

February 1999

April 1999

May 1999

June 1999

July 1999

August 1999

September 1999

October 1999

November 1999

December 1999

March 2000




